Saturday, July 23

Learning From An Animal

About two months ago, our Siamese cat who is very nervous and cautious and quick to move was outside and damaged one of his eyes that the vet said may or may not survive the trauma.  Unfortunately, it did not, so our Siamese moves around with one eye shut most of the time.

What I find amazing is that the loss of an eye does not prevent our Siamese cat from acting the way it did before the accident...  playing with a string, chasing the other cats around the house, and wanting attention.  In other words, the cat does not act like anything has happened at all to its physical appearance.

I recently had back surgery that has caused me not to be able to move or walk like I used to and it may be 6-18 months before I get back to normal...  

What do I do?

I sit around pissing and moaning because my life is different and is no longer like it used to be and I worry that I will never get back to normal.

My Siamese cat would not act like that...

How long did it take me to realize that and can I maintain that level of understanding?

It has been six weeks since the operation...


  • I mow the lawn as best as I can.
  • I drive the car as best as I can.
  • I take out the garbage as best as I can.
  • I stand at the stove and cook as best as I can.

Now, I find out that I may have bursitis in my left hip which often happens after this kind of back surgery...

I will manage with bursitis and I will not complain...  and if I cannot do something then I cannot do something...  If I cannot walk for a day or two...  then I don't walk...  I will do what I can do as best as I can do it and not bitch about the results or the limitations...

I am just as good as my Siamese cat when it comes to this stuff.

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