Thursday, July 21

In What Do We Live?

We live on a planet that lives in a solar system that floats around in the Milky Way Galaxy that is simply one of billions and billions of galaxies that exist in our universe...  so, our small planet is unique but not altogether dissimilar with other small planets in other galaxies and other solar systems that are part of those galaxies.

We...  or some of us anyway...  believe that there are other universes that somehow interact with our own universe to create a multiverse or sorts...  but, it is uncertain how many of these other universes there actually are interacting with us...  2-3-4-5-6...  etc.

In other words, life on earth (as we know it) could be replicated in these other universes so that there is a slightly different variation of our lives here taking place there.

How odd/cool is that?

But, all of this is taking place on a MACRO level...   what about life taking place on a MICRO level?

How many dimensions do we live in here on earth?  FOUR...   is the typical answer:  height, width, depth, and time.   But, what if there were 12 dimensions?  What would life be like in those other dimensions?

We are all aware of the atom and its components:  electron, neutron, and proton...  and as the various atoms combine they form various compounds.   How many of us are aware, that these electrons, neutrons, and protons can be further broken down into sub-atomic particles and that those sub-atomic particles can be further broken down into strings of pure energy.

It is unpredictable how these strings of energy move from one location to another location, so scientists believe that this unpredictability is what could be causing all these various dimensions to exist...  and, in turn, the various dimensions cause all the parallel universes to exist as well.

Still odd and cool?

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