Wednesday, July 27

A Business Philosophy

Throughout my business career of 45 years, one of my responsibilities was the hiring, training, mentoring, and firing of employees.

My hands were tied by the fact that I had to hire college graduates for certain positions but after I knew that they for certain had a degree, I could care less about their grades or what clubs they might have belonged to or if they worked while attending college...

What I cared about was threefold:

  • Would they fit in with the rest of the team?
  • What value could they add?
  • Did I believe they would achieve the results I needed them to achieve?

It was not the best two out of three but it had to be all three...  otherwise, it was pointless to hire them.

HOWEVER, out of those 3 identifiers, only one was certain in an interview and that was could they add value...  the other two were always yet to be seen or determined.

But, the value could the ascertained right there in the interview by what the potential employee said or did not say about his/her abilities and what they could do.

On the other side of the coin, whenever I found myself in an interview seeking possible employment from an employer, my strategy was always to explain the value I could add to the company.

And, when you think about it, adding value is all you have to give an employer...  it is the value you add that helps you fit in and it is the value you add that helps you achieve results...

Why on earth would you ever hire someone that you did not think would achieve the results that you needed them to achieve?

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