Sunday, July 31

From The Back Porch


It has been a while since I had time to sit on my backporch and reflect upon the day in front of me...  and perhaps some of the days behind me are worth mentioning...  who knows?

I am a Tarheel born and raised but am completely partial to east Tennessee after living here for 32 years.  It don't make me a volunteer or nothing but I do like the area.

I am a retired educator who is also a veteran (not that it makes much difference other than having the "balls" to defend this country) and most of my days are spent in the quiet solitude of my own environment trying to pull thoughts out of my head that I use to write novels.

I flip flop on whether or not I should try and have them published but if I did, it would be through Amazon...  I write about 200 pages in MS Word (8X11 format) but I would have to reformat to 6X9 which would make them about 400 pages.  

I have found that it is not that difficult to write as novel... as much as it takes to edit the damn thing.  Editing is necessary but it really is a pain in the ass and seems like it takes more time than it does to write it...   of course, if I had the money I could just pay someone to do it for me.

And, I will do that once I make some money of my first one...   LOL there...

I seem to spend most of my time these days wondering what the hell is going through the minds of the Biden administration as some, if not all of their decisions for that last year and a have been dumb and dumber and whatever word comes after that last one...  dumbest...

While my wife and I have sufficient funds to withstand this inflation, it seems rather stupid to pay $2 more for a meal or a gallon of gasoline when we really did not need to...  just because those democratic assholes want to stop using fossil fuels... for gasoline...

And, I have checked into electric vehicles and you ain't really gonna save any money there because the charging fees are going to be very similar to our current gasoline prices...  plus the cost of the vehicle at $60,000+ is not the kind of money that most of us have lying around the house or under the mattress.

  • Does the USA have the electric power grid strong enough to withstand everyone owning electric cars?
  • Are there enough charging stations already constructed to meet the charging demand of electric cars?
  • When the battery dies, there is no neutral gear to push the car off to the side of the road.

My other rather large concern are these damn ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS...  now, I am not opposed to people wanting to come to this country but if they are going to break the law to get here, how many laws are they going to break after they arrive?
  • Illegal immigrants have no jobs
  • Where are they going to live?
  • How are they going to eat?
  • How are they going to buy clothes?
  • How are they going to pay for healthcare?
  • How do they feed their babies and children?
  • Do they even speak English?
  • Have they been checked for diseases?
  • Will they create slums here?

Inflation and Immigration are two key issues for me and that bother me on a daily basis and while neither of them are hurting my retirement they still are of concern.

America is a strange place...  we don't put up a traffic light at an intersection until several people have been killed.

Being patient does not always have positive results...

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