Wednesday, July 27

TRUTH is What We Want It To Be

TRUTH is that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.
FACT is a thing that is known or proved to be true.
REALITY is the state or quality of having existence or substance.

Truth can be proven and has existence or substance...  and, therefore one's truth does not have to be another's truth unless we are trying to convince more than two of our truth...  and, whether or not it is really true, as long as others believe it to be true as known or real, then it is truth.

The point that I am trying to make is that truth is not always true but what we chose to believe and whether or not it is actually true is rather irrelevant...  For instance, if I have a religious belief and for me, it is the truth by fact, evidence, existence, and substance but it is not the truth at all...  as long as I believe it to be true then it is truth.  And, what if an entire population believed something to be the truth when in reality it was not the truth at all...  then their truth would still be truth.  And, what if an entire world believed in a truth that was not the truth at all, would it still be the truth?  YES.

We currently live in a country that is divided politically between liberals and conservatives, and each of these two groups has its own truth that they believe is the only truth because it is supported by fact, evidence, and reality. But, both sides cannot possess the only truth.  One side has got to be incorrect...  and if that is the case then one side has to admit that their side is not the truth.  That will never happen.

At some point in our past, these two sides were willing to compromise because they understood that their beliefs were not completely the truth...  but, compromise is no longer an issue for either side as they believe the other side in UNTRUTH and their side is TRUTH.

If I believe that there are extraterrestrials living among us here on earth then my behavior is going to be governed by my truth even though I have no evidence, facts, or reality to support my truth.  My truth is what I want it to be...

So, what are your truths? 

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