Tuesday, July 26

We All Have Life to Live

LIFE is a magazine...  at least it was when I was growing up...  I am not sure if it is still around or not... but, when life is not a magazine, it is magnificent to behold as it is being lived...

  • Life is blessed
  • Life is horrible
  • Life is adventurous
  • Life is devastating
  • Life is joy
  • Life is pain

and...  after we live all that we can...  WE DIE...

and...   while some of us believe that there is an afterlife, many others do not...  as they believe that once you are dead, you are dead...  nothing more.

and...  neither side can prove that they are right nor can they prove the other side is wrong.

It is what one believes...  even though those who don't believe in an afterlife claim that they believe in nothing.

BUT...  whatever happens, after death happens...  my concern is LIFE...  and, how I live this life that I have been given...  even though I am not exactly sure who gave it to me...

I know that my parents gave me life (even though I did not ask them for it) but there is a bigger picture here...  who created the human race...  outside of it being attributed to the evolution of primates and a random mutation of their genes and DNA.

I guess the evolution of primates some of which developed the ability to talk is an unexpected leap that cannot really be explained.

BUT...  be that as it may... there is a LIFE that we all must live...  and that life is usually between 80 and 100 years...  and then we are done.

How well one lives that life is individual and influenced by a variety of factors, the least of which are preconceived ideas...  along with one's personality which I suppose can be modified slightly but not changed.

Some people want to earn as much money as they can, knowing that there is just so much that can be spent and more importantly that it will all be left behind to someone who will theoretically continue to remember them until they die.

But what about those who just want to sit around and THINK...  what would you think of them?  Are they losers?  What is the point of just thinking?  And, wouldn't you run out of ideas about which to think?

It also seems like a silly way to spend your time...  just thinking...

I suppose dreaming is really no different than thinking...  very little is accomplished other than the passing of time.  However, it does not cost anything to think or dream.

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