Tuesday, July 26

In The News

Every morning, I awake around 7:30 am unless I have an early morning appointment; I give the cats a treat, take my thyroid pill, make enough coffee to fill a YETI cup, then sit on the couch to drink coffee and watch the news.  I watch FOX News, and yes it is biased, but it reports the news that the other networks have decided is not worthy of reporting because it makes the Liberals look bad...

And every morning unless there is some sort of urgency with the news, the same ole shit is reported over and over again:

  • Crime & Violence in larger cities
  • Biden blames something else for his problems
  • Thousands of illegal immigrants cross border
  • Democrats claim the economy is improving
  • Food prices continue to rise
  • Biden's approval rating continues to decrease
  • Global respect for Biden continues to decrease
  • Liberal protest supreme court ruling on abortion
  • Liberals continue to attack Trump
  • Another police officer is shot in the line of duty
  • Fentanyl deaths are increasing
  • COVID masking is again required

We are only two years (almost) into the Biden Administration and we have these kinds of problems flourishing in this country...  a country that once respected the rule of law, and the importance of fossil fuel but the need to gradually go GREEN, and respect honor, integrity, truth, and justice...

This is no longer the case...  and, it is rather unfortunate...

  • I don't like guns but we have them and we need to control their use.
  • I believe that a female (or whatever name she wants to go by) has the right to choose what to do with her body, but it is not the government's responsibility to finance that decision.
  • I believe in strong internal law enforcement and a strong military to protect us against our enemies.
  • I don't believe in illegal immigration under any circumstances.
  • I don't believe in SOCIALISM nor do I believe in PURE CAPITALISM or the free market enterprise system that goes with it because the worker is at a disadvantage and can easily be manipulated.
  • I don't believe in censorship of any kind.
  • I believe that all progress should have gradually.
  • I believe that we should do what we have to do to sustain positive economic growth.
  • I believe the government should take care of its veterans, especially the disabled.
  • I believe people should earn what they want or have rather than have it given to them.
  • I believe that EVERYONE should pay a flat tax with no exemptions

BUT...  what the hell do I know about anything...  I am not wealthy...  I am not powerful...  I am not influential...  I am not an expert in anything not even in retirement as it manages me rather than me managing it...  I just know what I feel and what seems to be logical...  I don't think the liberals or the progressives or the democrats are being very logical right now...  I think they are being influenced by the 1% wealthy who have agendas that they do not want to share with everyone for fear of PUSHBACK...

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