Friday, July 15

My Simple Needs


I personally prefer living in a house to living in an apartment because of the uninsulated walls allowing noise to easily pass through them.  However, I don't need that much more space than what an apartment provides...

1,200 square feet is plenty of room as long as it is divided appropriately that is to say...  to my tastes.

I would like to have one large room that is used for a kitchen, an eating area, and a livingroom.  

There needs to be a guest bathroom just in case company shows up or we have decided to entertain another couple.

This area (hidden area) would include a pantry and a laundry room.

The master bedroom needs to be large enough to hold a king-size bed and a night table on either side as well as adequate chests of drawers for clothes.

There needs to be a walk-in closet large enough to hang clothes for two people and a bathroom with a shower that is handicapped accessible.

Two other bedrooms are required, one would be a guest bedroom while the other would be a room for cats.

While there is a need for a two car garage, eventually there would only be one car...  but the garage would need to accommodate lawn maintenance equipment.

A separate building could be brought in for storage.

There is no need for a basement or a second floor as everything should be on one floor.

The amount of land associated with the house should be 1/2 acre or less.

While we currently have an above ground pool, deck, gazebo, and hot tub, none of that would be necessary once we reach the age of 80 which is only 5 years away.  

Right now, I use the pool to exercise by walking around the inside circumference to strengthen my back due to recent back surgery...  and see no need for a pool later in life.

Any extra land would have to be mowed but part of it could be turned into a vegetable garden by constructing a few 12 feet by 12 feet boxes into which potting soil could be placed along with plants.  Easy to maintain and harvest.

There would be a need for a WIFI connection but we would not connect to cable or have a landline telephone.  Our one vehicle would more than likely be an all-electric vehicle that we would charge at night and only drive locally.

I doubt by the age of 80 we would be making any trips to Myrtle Beach, SC for a vacation.  If we did vacation, it would be a cruise and we would fly to Florida and have a relative take us to the airport and pick us up.

As we get older and no doubt this will happen to you as well, but you no longer need the status of a large house, a fancy/expensive vehicle, or wear the latest fashion styles.

Money does not always make life happy...  I can sit on the back porch with friends, enjoying conversation and coffee...  and feel very content...

When one has a little wealth...  all they really think about is keeping that wealth and trying to get more...  How does that really make anyone happy?

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