Monday, May 4

Where Are We Going From Here?

I know that one is not supposed to answer a question with a question but, "Can we get there from here?"  And if we do not know where we are going, we cannot get anywhere other than putting one foot in front of the other one and keep doing that until we get somewhere...  but, even that seems like a stupid thing to do, especially from a logical point-of-view.  It would appear that my ARTICLE Title Question needs a tad more clarification...

This is a good example of how fast the mind moves relative to how fast the hand type because what I was thinking when I thought up the ARTICLE Title Question was where are we, as a nation, going relative to going back-to-work while the Pandemic is still AT LARGE.

First of all, it really does make sense, and I mean logical sense, to open up our economy slowly with the understanding of 25% then 50% then 75% and finally 100%.  But, as was pointed out to me from a restaurant owner, if his restaurant is opened with 25% capacity, he still has to employ almost as many people as when his restaurant is opened 100% so he would be losing money and quite possibly file for bankruptcy...  in other words, 25% would hurt worse than 0%...  BUT, this is not the case for everyone.  So, where are we going as a nation?

  • Do we open National Parks?
  • Do we open Public and Private Beaches?
  • Do we open up Baseball Stadiums?
  • Do we open up Restaurants?
  • Do we open up Movie Theaters?
  • Do we open up Schools?
  • Do we open up Airline Travel?
  • Do we open up Cruise Ships?
  • Do we open up Hotels and Motels?

AND...  would the 25% then the 50% then the 75% then the 100% work for everyone?

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