Tuesday, May 5

Listening to Books

When I was in High School or College/University, I did not like reading...  mainly because I had to read very slow in order to mentally conceptualize what I was reading...  there needed to be intense focus which at that time did not have the discipline to perform and still don't unless I absolutely have to and then I postpone it as long as I can.

In the 1990's, I was spending two hours a day in the car going back and forth to work and decided I would listen to music at first but later decided to listen to self-help books from Audible.com which I copied to my computer then transferred to an IPOD... listening to earphones...  then I learned how to connect the IPOD to the car's speakers with better quality.

INTERESTINGLY, I discovered that not only did I enjoy listening to books but that my retention increased while listening as well...   Immediately, I regretted the fact that I had not been able to listen to books in high school and college/university because I would have been a much better student.

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