Friday, October 30

Just Me and My Thoughts

My thoughts appear out of nowhere or that is what they seem to be doing and yet I know that these thoughts must come from somewhere.  The generation of these thoughts is better in the morning for some reason and so it is in the morning that I have trained myself to write and reflect.  Upon reflection, I formulate ideas and once the idea hatches, my mind begins to control my consciousness openly and I put pen to paper and write...  or, in this case, I put fingers to keyboard and type...  however, I can actually write faster than I type and errors are easily scratched out, whereas with the keyboard, one must find and use the backspace key that I use all the time...

Nonetheless, I write in a notebook with a pen in hand, usually black and usually fine point as medium points smear...  and I write on blogs using a computer...  actually a laptop since the keyboard on a tablet is too small for my fat fingers.

And... mornings are the best for me as I drink coffee but also in the afternoons do I write my thoughts as I really have nothing else to do with my life now that I am retired...  although, I have taught some evening college classes in the past and have agreed to teach another one in the spring of 2021...  this class I taught many times before so I just need to update my syllabus a little and I am good to go...  Personal Financial Planning changes very little over the years...  and, as I think about it, I will be adding BITCOIN and CRYPTO CURRENCY to my list of topics.

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