Saturday, February 20

Saturday: Before Noon

SATURDAY Morning👉 the sun is shinning in the Tennessee Valley of East Tennessee... and, I am once again able to experience another day above ground...  at 73 years of age, another day above ground is a good day.  My morning begin with me giving our 3 cats their morning treats and then I take the little white pill prescribed by my Oncologist for my thyroid...  my thyroid got messed up because of my on-going chemo treatments which is beginning its 14th year.

Once the cats have been given their treat and their bowls filled up with food, I make myself a cup of coffee with a coffee pod and sit in my recliner to watch FOX NEWS...  It is typically around 8:00/8:30 am...  Prior to 2015, I was keyed into watching CNN or CBS News in the morning, but after going to the local gym where FOX NEWS was being televised, I quickly realized that CNN and/or CBS was NOT REPORTING all the news.

After watching FOX NEWS at home and switching back and forth between CNN, CBS, and Fox, I came to the realization that the conservative points-of-view were not just being overlooked but they were being distorted in favor of the liberal points-of-view.

I was a DIEHARD liberal until I went to Graduate School and earned an MBA...  then, I became a conservative liberal with a focus on eliminating debt and balancing the budget.

Unfortunately and beginning with the Trump Administration, mainstream media simply did not publish news that they DETERMINED they did not want to general public to know...  and, that mentality bothered me more than the bullshit that Trump was doing.

Being retired...  one day is no more different than any other day...  unless, there is a doctor's appointment scheduled and then I have to shower/shave and leave the house.  If there is no appointment, then my days are typically spent inside the house unless I take a notion to get in the hot tub outside.

BUT...  this is Saturday and I know that I am going nowhere today...  so, I will drink coffee for 2-3 hours before deciding that there is something else I need/want to do.  However, I will turn the channel once CAVUTO comes on...  as I just don't like to listen to him nor do I like his personality in general.

Typically, I start watching the HISTORY channel or the FOOD channel for the rest of the morning as I continue drink a few more cups of coffee.  It bothers me that I have to also watch STUPID COMMERCIALS that target Americans with an 8th grade mentality...  but, this is how America sells its products...  and, I guess is a NECESSARY EVIL.

Once my morning comes to a close, I eat a modest lunch and then begin preparing my blogs by first preparing a list of potential topics that I want to research...  I also take a looksee at previous lists that I prepared as well.  Daily Journals that I have been keeping for over ten years is where I write these lists and keep my notes for other topics that have been previously researched.  These journals are stored in a filing cabinet in the garage.

What's interesting about this Saturday is that the sun is out and this weekends represents the being of a 30 warming trend according to the weather channel forecasts.  Cold weather in the Valley is all but OVER...

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