Showing posts with label sanders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sanders. Show all posts

Thursday, April 9

2020 Election

WELL NOW...    it looks like our 2020 Election will be between Trump and Biden with Sanders still hanging around trying to influence the Democratic Party to move in a more progressive direction which is nothing more than moving closer towards Socialism...

Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

So...  what does that really mean for Americans?

It means that Americans will move closer and closer to COMPLETE EQUALITY, in that they will receive equal pay, equal medical, equal education, equal housing...  with the understanding that for all intents and purposes, equal means FREE.

This equality or FREE stuff will be paid for by the wealthy who essentially give their money to the Federal Government via increased taxes...

HOWEVER:  the Federal Government has historically been inefficient and unproductive in the way they have managed everything within their control.

First...  once this happens, the wealthy will find ways to legally hide their money...

Second...  once businesses are forced to pay higher wages, they will hire less employees...

Third...  once retailers are faced with higher wages, they will increase prices...

Fourth...  once people realize that healthcare is FREE, there will be a high influx of patients, jamming up the healthcare system, creating longer wait times for critical procedures...

Fifth...  we will still have numerous millionaires, such as:  professional athletes, professional musicians and singers, and professional actors and actresses...

Sixth...  Americans will NEVER be EQUAL...  no matter how important it is to Socialists...  equality it impractical and counterproductive and in some cases harmful...  thinking intelligence and IQ can be equalized...