Saturday, December 2

The 2024 Election

 Currently, it would appear that Joe Biden will be the Democratic Party nominee and Donald Trump will be the Republican Party nominee...  although, there are others on both sides who are still hanging in hoping to gain ground.

Here's the situation:
  1. Biden has been a terrible President, from my perspective because of illegal immigration, inflation, foreign policy, and war on fossil fuels.
  2. Biden is under investigation for being corrupt when he was VP.
  3. Biden's age will open the for Kamala Harris

  1. Trump is fighting 91 felony indictments
  2. Trump will seek revenge if he became President
  3. Foreign countries fear Trump
  4. Trump built a healthy economy

SO...   and this is my opinion...  neither party has presented a suitable candidate for President, including those that are still hoping the party will select them.

  • China will become stronger as the USA becomes weaker
  • The USA will continue to be seriously divided
  • Our war on fossil fuel will hurt us in the short run
  • Congress will be too late in their regulation of humanoid robots with AI
  • Our national debt will increase
  • Our personal credit card debt will increase
  • Our military will weaken
  • The wealthy will continue to escape paying their fair share of taxes
  • Our American dream will fade
  • Illegal immigration will change our culture/country

The USA has been and continues to be controlled by those from the BABY BOOMER Generation...  or post WWII births...   which means people like me who are in their 70s and born between 1945-1955...

It is our generation that created the mess that we are in and continued to be mired in...

Is the YOUNGER GENERATION correct or better?
Who the hell knows.
But, it is time for them to take over and make of this country that which they want it to be...  whether it is better or worse.
It is now their opportunity to do something.

Once the 1945-1950 birth generation TURNS 80 years of age, there is no turning back...  the transformation MUST TAKE PLACE...

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