Friday, December 29

That Which is Important to Me

 It is difficult to say what is important to me after living for 76 years with cancers, heart disease, and a fused lower spine...

One's first thought might be HEALTH but without financial security, my health would be more or less irrelevant.

So, the first important issue for me is the peace of mind that comes from having financial security...

However, now that I've used peace of mind, it is necessary to understand that financial security is intertwined with peace of mind.

One cannot happen without the other.

My second area of importance is MY HEALTH...  and while that may not seem logical, given all the health issues I have, one must understand that I am still above ground because of my health and my body's ability to fight off what's attacking me.

My third area of importance is having and being dedicated to the hobby of writing.  Without that hobby, being retired would be incredibly BORING.  Bored retirees do not live very long.

My fourth area of importance is having the partner that I have and while we do not always get along and have said things to each other, we regretted saying later, we have remained together for over30 years - a second marriage for both of us.  We have the reassurance that we can count on each other as we grow older.  

It is that emotional security that helps us both with the knowledge that we have that kind of security as we grow older and realize we cannot take care of ourselves without the help of someone else.

We have different interests and don't rely on each other for our happiness while at the same time, we know that the other person will always be there.

My fifth and final area of importance is friendship.  After 76 years of life, I only have ONE TRUE FRIEND,,,  We have known each other since high school and have remained friends even though we went off in different directions.

I had a second true friend that I had known since 3rd grade, but he died of colon cancer about 10 years ago.

There are a couple of people living nearby in the same community that will do things for me as I will do things for them, but I would not really consider them to be TRUE FRIENDS.  I would say they are being neighborly.

It is interesting, I think, that I have not included FAITH in my list.  I believe in a CREATOR, but I am not a fan/follower of institutionalized religion, nor do I really believe what is in the BIBLE because there are so many inconsistencies.

So, some aspects of religion are there but are not an important part of my life.  Yes, it is possible that my life is being directed, regardless of the decisions or choices that I make.  If that is the case, I have no explanation as to why that is happening.  Is that religion?  or faith?  I don't know.

If I am being kept alive because there is something that I have to do or accomplish, I have no idea what they is, at least at this point in time.  It may be revealed to me later and my list will change.

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