Saturday, December 23

Christmas Holidays

As a boy growing up in Alexandra, Virginia, Christmas always meant toys that I could use to play with other boys my age.  When I got older, it meant things I would like to have but did not have the money to buy myself...  and clothes that I needed.  Always heavy on the clothes side that I did not understand until I became a father.  Christmas also meant time away from school since to me, school was boring and hardly ever interesting.

In high school, Christmas meant time away from school and hordes of parties to attend and the presents were mostly practical or intellectual.  No more toys or things I did not want.

Christmas for me from K-12 was always associated with the religious influence and what December 25 actually symbolized.  We always attended some type of religious service Christmas Eve and when we got home, we could open one present.  I suppose to reward us for our tolerance in Church.

Christmas was always associated, outside of a religious influence, with lots of food, lots of alcohol, lots of parties and reunions, and lots of comments that you really did not believe towards people you did not know - because you were supposed to be polite.

More often than not, some at these parties would get drunk and make an ass of themselves.  And if the party was with family there would always be an argument that left people pissed off at each other.  Sometimes, not speaking to each other for days afterwards.

The older that one got, the further one drifted away from the religious aspects of Christmas and moved towards the presents and party side.  No one ever knew what they happened, and no one ever cared why it happened.  They were just glad to be invited to the party.

At 76 years of age, Christmas is just another holiday on just another day that requires more money to be spent than you would have normally spent.  It's not about the food because whatever food is available, I just don't eat much.  I stopped drinking alcohol when I was 40, so it is never about alcohol anymore.  The religious aspect has almost completely disappeared.

Christmas is now about decorating the house for a few weeks then taking everything down.  Sending presents to a brother and sister and getting some for the house rather than for each other.  There is no Christmas spirit and no singing Christmas Carols or playing Christmas music on Christmas Day.  

The MYTH of Santa Clause disappeared way back in my childhood sometime and somewhere.  There is a faint memory of leaving milk and cookies for him in a plate placed by the fireplace.

Hell, I am not really sure if we are supposed to refer to the holiday as a Christmas Holiday anymore or not...  I am not WOKE but I am sure WOKE is not in favor of Christmas.


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