Saturday, December 30

New Year's Resolution(s)

A New Year's resolution is a tradition, most common in the Western World but also found in the Eastern World, in which a person resolves to continue good practices, change an undesired trait or behavior, accomplish a personal goal, or otherwise improve their behavior at the beginning of a calendar year.

Almost every year that I can remember which is not too many because my age prevents accurate memory recall...  LOL...  I wrote down a list of new year's resolutions that I was faithfully going to execute the following year.

I made great lists, but my follow-through always SUCKED...

So, after years of listing all the things that I would like to do differently or start doing, I have finally realized, I should only focus on those tasks that I know that I can accomplish.  That is not to say, I don't have goals...  goals are different than resolutions.

I have only one new year resolution:


Now, there are several items I want to continue doing, such as:
  1. continue eating healthy
  2. continue writing
  3. continue to manage stress
  4. continue not to worry
  5. continue to take things one day at a time
  6. continue to think before I speak
  7. continue to be kind to animals
  8. continue to be friendly to next door neighbors
  9. continue to not be so critical of everything
  10. continue to be proactive and positive
  11. continue to be more helpful around the house
  12. continue to learn something new each day

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