Thursday, December 28

The Basics of Our Government

The United States of America is comprised of 48 contiguous states plus Alaska and Hawaii.  We are a Democratic Republic governed by a constitution and various amendments.  The first ten amendments to that constitution is called THE BILL OF RIGHTS which no other country in the world has.  Consequently, people from all corners of the world want to immigrate to the USA to participate in and enjoy or Bill of Rights.

Our constitution gave us three branches of government:  Judicial, legislative, and Administrative and provided laws to the States that were not exclusively reserved by the federal government. 

States Rights versus Federal Rights has always been a bone of contention as evidenced by some states legalizing marijuana while the Federal government still sees it as being illegal.

Nowhere else will something like that (above) exist in the world today.  That makes the USA incredibly unique while at the same time separates from the rest of the world, that is controlled by dictators, socialists, and communists.  While the UK and the EU are forms of democracy as well, they still don't have all the freedoms that we have here in the USA.

Our two party system, Democrats (liberals) and Republicans (conservative) is what perpetuates our democracy by providing the people with TWO POINTS OF VIEW.

Liberal want:

  • Large government
  • High taxes
  • Small military
  • Social welfare programs 
Conservatives want:
  • Small government
  • Low taxes
  • Large military
  • limited social welfare programs
Note:  there are several other issues, but these are the main points.
Take for instance ABORTION.
Republican don't think the federal government should pay for abortions and the decision to make abortions legal or not, rests with STATES not the federal government.
Democrats believe just the opposite.

Currently, the USA is leaning heavily in the direction of SOCIALISM that has been approved by both parties over the years.  Here are some examples of socialism:
  • public education
  • public parks/recreation
  • social security
  • unemployment insurance
  • medicare/medicaid
  • public transportation

Here's the question that also separates the two parties:  Should our Federal Government go into debt to pay for all the social programs given to its citizens, knowing that the wealthy hide their money from taxes?

Republicans say no
Democrats say yes

Let me leave you with this thought...
The most effective form or government, maybe not the most efficient, is COMMUNISM, not DEMOCRACY.

  • People who argue with a Communistic government go to jail
  • People do not strike for higher wages in a communistic government
  • People are not exposed to all the news or all the truth in a communistic government
  • People do not protest in a communistic government
  • There is no private ownership in a communistic government
  • There is no freedom of speech or religion in a communistic government
  • The government easily controls the people in a communistic government

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