Sunday, December 17

No One Cares

There is a friend of mine that lives way, way up north; we have known each other since high school, which is almost 60 years.  We write each other every night for the most part, unless something prevents us from doing so; it is like having a daily conversation with someone...

Our conversations are about what we are doing or what we are planning to do or what we have done and invariably include the weather and a discussion on politics and what is happening to our wonderful countries.  Sometimes, we get so angry at what we are writing about that we have stop our comments for a few days to cool off as it makes us both upset.

BUT...  the really strange thing about all of this is that NO ONE ELSE SEEMS TO CARE...

  • I talk to the person who cuts my hair and he has no idea what is going on in the USA with politics.
  • I talk with my nurses about the same subject and get the same reaction - they are not aware.
  • I talk to people while waiting in the check out line and get the same reaction.
  • When my wife and I go to a restaurant, no one is talking politics.

My Impression of it all
  1. They are aware that Trump has been indicted.
  2. They are aware that Biden is under investigation.
  3. They are aware of all the illegal immigration.
  4. They are not concerned about China or Russia
  5. They are not concerned that Iran and North Korea might soon have nuclear capabilities.
  6. They have no concerns about our national debt.
  7. They don't seem concerned about inflation.

It makes me wonder if my thoughts are wrong and if they are just so apathetic that they no longer give a damn.

Of course, part of me agrees with them because after 76 years of life, it makes no damn bit of difference what I think or how I vote - this country is going in a certain direction whether I like it or not.

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