Tuesday, December 13

A Conservative Liberal Speaks Out

I was a Kennedy Democrat but because the Democratic Party has become progressive and is moving towards Socialism, I am just a Liberal who has strong conservative values because I believe in a balance budget and being debt free.

I would especially like the idea that all illegal drugs should be legalized because Americans should be allowed to decide for themselves if they want to become a drug addict or for that matter an alcoholic.  Yes, it may impact our healthcare system but it is still their choice...  the same holds true for females and abortion.  It does not matter what the reason or the excuse, if a female wants an abortion she should be able to make that choice and live with the responsibility of that choice.   AND...  the same holds true for a male who wants to become a female or a female who wants to become a male...  It is their choice and not the choice of the government.

We should be able to say what we want to say when we want to say it...  and if I don't like what you have to say...  tough shit on me...  you should be able to say it and that's that.  To rob us of our freedom of speech is a violation of our constitutional rights.  If you want to change the constitution that is your right as well...  have at it...


Finally, I believe in a strong military and a small federal government...  Government should stay the hell out of my business and our military should have the ability to KICK ASS of any country in the world, if it needs to from a defensive point of view not an aggressive point of view.

I don't believe in wars and I will never own a handgun even though I have the right to do so...  I choose not to...  what other explanation is there other than NO WARS and no wars so that we can get rich rebuilding other countries.

Business leaders should pay a fair wage and make a fair profit but management has NO RIGHT to make the high salaries that they make...  they are just not worth it...  and, this is from someone who has been in middle and upper management for 40 or my 45 year career...  I was in management because I earned an MBA with a focus in strategic planning.  But, the wealth of the company should be divided among the staff, employees, customers, stockholders, vendors, and the community.   WE SHOULD ALL BE IN THIS LIFE TOGETHER...

These are the views of a conservative liberal...


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