Thursday, December 15

American Made - Buy American

We are, I would assume, support the concept of only buying American made...  but, if you were to put the microscope to that concept, it is not that simple.

Why do I say that?

American workers are paid more money here in the the US of A than foreign workers are paid in their countries of China, India, Indonesia, Thailand, etc.   Most of the workers in those countries are not paid for SICK LEAVE or ANNUAL LEAVE or even paid a minimum wage.

WHEREAS...  American workers are paid higher wages, they are paid sick leave, annual leave, paid holidays, and in some cases, companies match retirement savings...

CONSEQUENTLY, products made in the US of A are actually MORE EXPENSIVE as a result of these labor costs, along with the costs of raw materials, and other overhead expenses...

If you want your money to last as long as it can, then you should NOT BUY AMERICAN but buy products that are made in other countries...

There's nothing personal here, its just business...

Do you think the wealthy people buy AMERICAN?


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