Tuesday, December 20

My Teaching Experience

My working career lasted 45 years and then another 5 years was spent teaching part-time for a university in Knoxville, TN.  Of my 45 years, over twenty years was also spent teaching both employees of business and industry as well as degree seeking students.

I found that students that were sent to classes by their employers were more serious and dedicated students than were degree seeking students.  However, there were exceptions and those came from the older student who had suddently decided to finish or start their college education.  These older students were dream students for a teacher as they were bound and determined to learn and retain as much as they could.

Degree seeking students or those students right out of high school were almost as stupid as a door stop.  They could not write.  They could not spell.  They could not problem solve.  They could not read out of a book.  They did not want to do their homework.  They were not creative.  They wanted to be told exactly how to do something.  They did not ask questions in class.  They assumed as long as they did the work they deserved a "A" regardless of the quality of that work.

If I was working in HR, I would not hire any of these college graduate as they did not know how to pour piss out of a boot with directions written on the heel.  They were pittiful...  And, even more pittiful than them were the professors who passed them through all their previous classes.

I remember asking several students what they remembered from the class before mine that they had just completed and they said nothing because all they did was memorize.  They retained nothing.  Not retaining is not learning.


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