Thursday, December 22

Successful People Have a Plan

Do you have a plan?

What kind of a plan, you might be asking?

A plan for your life...

I'm not a wizard, you might say.

And, I would respond that you don't have to be a wizard or a magician to develop a plan.  And, the plan you develop, should be flexible enough so that it can change as you change.

For example, you might be in high school and decide that you want to go into the military after you graduate.  Then, you change your mind and think you want to go to college.  Then, you change your mind again and decide that you don't want college, but you want to attend a trade school.

In that trade school, you start out as an electrician, then a plumber, then a carpenter, then decide on heating and air, and finally you want to be a computer programmer and design video games.

BUT...  you have a plan and you are working your plan, even though you realize your plan is going to change often.  Changing your plan is just as important as making a plan in the first place.

Nothing is lost in a plan because you are retaining knowledge and abilities as your plan changes that you will one day be able to use.

Once you have put together your intitial plan, then think about extending it to that point in time where you are planning to retire...  how much money will you need if you decide to retire at 45?  or at 55? or at 65?  or at 75?

This is going to guess work, but it is also going to give you a goal to go after...  more often than not, if you have a goal, one always seems to exceed that goal.

  • When you retire will you need $500,000 or $1,000,000 or $5,000,000?
  • When you retire, where will you live?
  • When you retire, will you be debt free?
  • When you retire, will you be healthy?
  • What can you do in order to be healthy when you retire?

You are never too old to plan.  All you have to do, is simply decide you want to create a plan...

It is just that simple.

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