Thursday, December 15

Living With Cancer

 I will spend most of the day at the Univ. of TN Medical Center - Cancer Institute getting treated for Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and Melanoma...   the melanoma treatment is in the morning and can only take place after seeing the Oncologist.  The Odivo influsion only lasts 30  minutes.   In the afternoon, I receive an influsion of IVIG which is supposed to boost my immune system that is destroyed by the Imbruvica pills that I take daily.

My Opdivo monthly infusions cost $15,000 ($180,000 annually), my IVIG monthly infusions cost $10,000 ($120,000), and my daily Imbruvica costs $12,000 $144,000)...  this total annual cost is $444,000.  This does not include monthly office visits, quarterly CT/PET scans and visits to my cardiologist, urologist, Orthopedic Surgeon, or my family physician.  I would say that my healthcare annual costs are right around $500,000.

And...  the beauty of all of this is that, I do not pay one damn dime except for $6,000 which is my monthly premiums for Medicare and Humana Supplement.  I would say that is a great deal for me...

What is particularly interesting here is that I have been treated for cancer since 2008 or almost 15 years by the end of 2022.

Local healthcare hospitals and Medical Centers have made $7.5 million off of me...  because I have cancer...  and have not died.

I retired in 2015 but having cancer has not slowed down me enjoying my retirement.  It took a while to get used to the fatigue and not being able to do all that I used to do outside, but once that was understood and accepted, my wife and I went on all sorts of vacations all over the world, except for Australia which was too far to travel trying to sleep in a chair that is not very comfortable and that does not recline that far back.

It took me a good 6 months to get to the point where I could walk ok after having 5 lower disks fused together.  Each day, I improve but the data shows that complete recovery will take 12-18 months, so I have another 12 months in front of me.  I try and walk a mile each day which the experts say is the best solution to improve one's abilities.

Getting old is a BITCH...  and learning to live with getting old is a PAIN IN THE ASS but it is something that all of us are going to have to deal with sooner or later.  We don't think about that in our 20s, 30s, or 40s, but once we hit 50, our bodies start to rebel against the lifesytles that we have lived.  We all get old.

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