Friday, December 30

Communist America with Capitalistic Professional Sports

Our current administration has been LYING for 2 years about our Southern border...  saying that the border is closed and that we have no problems with illegal immigration...

In addition to this LYING, our media companies are not covering our problem at the border except for FOX News...   this lack of coverage, helps convince the American public that there is no problem at our Southern border.

Several millions of illegal immigrants have already come into this country...  these illegal immigrants speak no English, have minimal skills, and brought no money with them to pay for food, shelter, clothing, or healthcare...

LYING to the citizens is what COMMUNIST countries do every day in an effort to control their people giving them only the knowledge and information that they want them to know and HIDE the rest.

America is now no different than Russia or China or for that matter North Korea....

HOWEVER, unlike these communist countries, the US of A still allows professional athletes to earn millions of dollars to play basketball, baseball, and football...   UNFORTUNATELY, only the wealthy can attend these games, the rest of us must watch the athletic event on television through cable or paid TV.

Russia has its wealthy oligarchs while the USA has its wealthy athletes..., 

How are we really better than these COMMUNIST countries?

We are not better....  We are both the same...

HIDE THE TRUTH FROM THE PUBLIC but allow the wealthy to do whatever the hell they want.  The wealthy are special and above the law as well as above all the rules that govern the rest of us.  Illegal immigrants are treated better than our citizens.

If the truth be known, these wealthy people still have to defecate and wipe their asses just like the rest of us...  and, the paper they use is no better than the paper we use...  The wealthy also bleed just like the rest of us and eventually die.   SO, having money is what makes them different and special....

SIMILARLY, communism is no different than American Democracy because of the way it attempts to hide the truth from the general public and those who are not wealthy.  The wealthy finance this hidden truth...

There are more non wealthy people than wealthy people...


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