Friday, December 30

Maintaining a Global Balance

We, as Americans, see ourselves as different and better than the rest of the world...

Different because of our Constitution and Democratic Republic...

Better because of all our freedoms...

Better because of our quality of life...

Better because we have laws and safeguards to protect our citizens from business that want to take advantage of our greed...

Better because of all the natural resources that we have in this country and because our productivity is higher than any other place in the entire world...

On the other side of the coin, we are no better than other countries because:

  • Americans lie
  • Americans cheat
  • Americans steal
  • Americans hide the truth
  • Americans bully other countries
  • Americans interfere with elections in other countries
  • Americans take advantage of other's ignorance
  • Americans try to change global cultures

We think that we are better when in reality we are not better and in many cases we are worse...   as we hide behind democracy and our religious beliefs...

America is in crisis because of immigration, inflation, our divided political beliefs, racism, and wealth...  it is this division that will come close to destroying our  country and at the very least, force us off the top of the hill as the global leader...

Who will take our place?

China certainly has the ability to be global leader with its growing economy, growing military, growing space program, and growing population...  but, it has not been tested with WAR...   having a big stick is not the same as being able to use that big stick effectively.

Russia, at one time, had the ability and determination to be a global leader, but hell, they cannot even defeat a small country like the Ukraine unless they use nuclear weapons...  it would appear that their global bullying days are politically over unless something drastically changes.

I am not even going to address India...  as they are just trying to build internal wealth through global commerce and their ability to provide back office skills.

The US of A is, right now and in my opinio, IMPOTENT, and no longer has the wherewithall to provide global leaders although several billionaires disagree with me.  Billionaires influence but they cannot control the masses.

Our global affairs will be divided equally among the top countries...  it's just that they do not know it yet.  The US of A will FAIL and they will FAIL BIG but they will always be needed in some capacity by the rest of the world...  if for no other reason but to maintain a global balance.

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