Tuesday, December 27

Same O... Same O

The US of A, at least for the forseeable future, is the best place in the world to live...

Why is that?

Mainly because of the freedoms and opportunities that we enjoy that the rest of the world does not enjoy...

The other reason, I would suspect is our quality of life that again is not experienced throughout the rest of the world.

HOWEVER, that quality of life is changing because of inflation, increasing gas prices, cost of healthcare, cost of vacations, cost of food...  then, you add in all the crime and violence that is taking place all over the US of A, and many people no longer want to visit many of our great cities like:  New York City, Washington DC, Atlanta, St. Louis, Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Vegas, Portland, etc.

The other issue that is beginning to bother many people is the number of illegal immigrants that are coming across our borders...  telling us with their actions that they DO NOT RESPECT OUR LAWS...  it is a subtle message, but a message nonetheless.  If they do not respect our immigration laws, then what other laws will they disrespect?

An even bigger issue are all the illegal drugs that are coming across our borders and what will be the healthcare impact of all those drugs, not the mention all the deaths from those drugs.

Why are Americans buying more and more and more drugs???

Supplies only increase when there is an increase in demand.

Americans are destroying themselves...     

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