Friday, December 23

Heading Into Christmas 2022

Winter Storm heading down from Canada and will disrupt our travel plans going into the holidays...  it will bring frigid temperatures all the way down to Texas and the southeastern United States including Tennessee but it is doubtful that it will extend farther into this area.

Meteorologists are predicting a BOMB CYCLONE which is where the pressure drops 24 milibars in 24 hours...  a drop in pressure means the winds are getting stronger and that indicates a strong storm is building.

In these situations, I am glad that I live in Tennessee as opposed to the north, south, or east...  The east coast has hurricanes.  The south has humidity and insects.  The north has cold weather and wind.

The center of the US is flat and boring and the west coast is way too liberal in its thoughts and actions.  I think I would have liked the west when I was 15 to 30 years old, but once I matured, those liberals views logically no longer made any sense.

Christmas at 75 years old with children 50 years old is not as special as it was 20 years ago when we were all thinking our lives might be different.  When you hit age 75, life ain't gonna git any different.  The only difference is that one is heading for...   is death.

What I find odd is that everyone, at least in the USA, wants to celebrate their form of Christmas, but very few of those who celebrate want to acknowledge why the season is important.  They don't see it as a Christian Holiday... they see it as a winter holiday...  but why give presents and put up a tree if we are just experiencing a winter holiday?

We celebrate a Christian Holiday without admitting it is a Christian Holiday...  and how do we explain the fact that our government has acknowledged UFOs and quite possibly the existence of extraterrestrials...

How does UFOs and extraterrestrials change the meaning of Christmas?

How does it change the birth of Jesus?

Jesus said...   " kingdom is not of this world..."

Is he an extraterrestrial?

If Jesus was an extraterrestrial, would we still want to call the Christmas Holiday a Winter Holiday?

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