Tuesday, August 9

What I do...

 I have been writing poetry since 1972, opinion articles since 2000, and novels since 2015...  but, I am not saying that any of my writing is actually any good because none of it has been published yet and I doubt that it ever will but that does not deter me from writing.

I have also had professional art classes at the Corcoran School of Art in Washington DC in: charcoal, oils, acrylics, and oils.  I also spent 8 years (4-5 hours a week) receiving training in photography from a professional photographer who had a studio connected to the building in which I was working.

So...  what all did this do for me?

Not much of anything actually...  although, I have something to do each day that I have been retired and continue to be retired.

I suppose that the more I write the better I get at communicating both orally and written...   and, I am sure that has helped me in my career and personal life...  but, other than that, I don't suppose it has made any difference at all...  still, I am obsessed with writing every day.  

Do I think having an ability to write is important?


But....  verbal communications is much more important...  as when one speaks, one can motivate or demotivate people...  using the wrong word can send the wrong signals.  I remember a northern plant manager came down here to the south and made some comment about his employees being "rednecks" because he thought that was an appropriate word to use...  and, 1,500 people held that against him for over a year.

This plant manager did not know his audience...

When you get to be my age you have all kinds of stories to tell based upon one's experiences...  these stories can be learning experiences if the listener is open-minded and willing to learn.

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