Tuesday, August 9

All Around Me


Dead at the age of 73...  is Olivia Newton-John...  only one year younger than me...

I saw a video clip online today of a middle-aged woman holding a sand crab in her hand that started to walk up her arm...

Another photo of a younger female laying on a tree limb twice as big as she was with both arms wrapped around hugging it...

An advertisement flashed on my monitor screen that I could rent a two-bedroom, 800-1000 square feet for about $1,000 in Knoxville, TN...  based upon the location because the range of prices for the same basic apartment went from $800 to over $1,500...

Life is operating all around me...  the good...  the bad...  and the indifferent...  and, I can see it if I want to look for it...

I went to therapy for my left hip area today and was told that I have bursitis...  I was shown an exercise to do that immediately helped me walk up steps...   I was impressed...

How often do we take for granted that which we have all around us?  And, why is it, do you suppose, that we do this?  Are we just too busy to see?  Do we not care about life around us, instead focusing on ourselves?

It seems, at least to me, that all we care about these days is:

  • getting out of school
  • finding somewhere to work not necessarily a career
  • finding a spouse and having children
  • drinking alcohol and having sex
  • watching sports of all kinds
  • owning a pickup truck or SUV
  • having fun when not working
  • not worrying about getting a serious disease
  • not thinking about one's future nor really planning (or caring) about retirement

And, when one really thinks about it, that is really not a bad list to have...  unless you are financially well off, really wealthy, or a billionaire...  then your priorities are a hell of a lot different, but even then you don't really appreciate the life that is all around you...  because you are ABSORBED IN AND WITH SELF...

Did you know?
  • millions of people around the world live in poverty
  • millions of people around the world do not have enough to eat daily
  • millions of people around the world are homeless
  • millions of people around the world have had no education
I betcha none of these millions are worried about climate control or going green or that the polar ice caps are melting...


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