Saturday, August 6

Russia & China


A few years ago, I would have been worried about the Russian Military Threat to the USA and Global Democracies...  BUT...  after they invaded Ukraine and after numerous weeks, still have not been able to conquer without the use of nuclear weapons, leaves me seriously wondering what kind of frigging military does Russia have???  It damn sure ain't very good...  and, I would think that with each passing day, Valdimir Putin is weakened in the eyes of his fellow comrades in communism and should be feeling the heat of global embarrassment...

Now, lets take a looksee at the BULLY CHINA...

  • China steals our copyrights and patents because they do not have the intelligence to develop shit on their own.
  • China steals the intellectual property from our businesses because again they do not have the intelligence to develop it on their own.

However, the Xi Jinping would argue that they have the intelligence but that it is just easier to steal it from a country that has "no balls".

And...  as long as President Biden is in the Whitehouse, I would tend to agree with Jinping's assessment.

No matter what you think "airhead" Pelosi, she used female stubbornness to fly into Taiwan despite Xi Jinping's anger over it along with his threats if she did...

Now...  to show the rest of the world how pissed off he is, he fired missiles over the island of Taiwan, letting them know as well as the rest of the world know that, he is going to be just like his fellow comrade in arms Putin and invade Taiwan.

What Xi Jinping is not thinking clearly about is that while we are actively recruiting gays and transgendered into our military ranks we still have about 95% of our military in the RAMBO and Seal Team Six mentality about KICKING SOME ASS...

Going to war with the United States would be costly and extremely economically counterproductive...  but, if going to war is what this new game is going to be about...  then, Xi Jinping will experience our SECOND AMENDMENT FURY...  and, whoever comes out as the victory will have very little of anything to control and influence with their power.

And, one would think that the oriental from China would see that as clearly as one can see the sand through the Caribbean waters.

We all die sometimes...  sooner or later...  we all die...  if we were to die in the next few years due to radiation poisoning, 

we would no longer have to pay our income taxes  

  • we would not longer get sick from COVID
  • we would no longer be victims of cancer or other serious illnesses
  • we would no longer have to worry about having sex
  • we would no longer have to put up with inlaws
  • we would no longer have to put up with bitchy wives

I believe Russia and China have miscalculated that a weak Biden is not really reflective of the American First Blood Mentality nor in our desire to seek out revenge and payback...

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