Saturday, August 6

A Successful Life

What are justifications for a successful life?
  1. a 12,000 square ft home
  2. a Lexus or a Porsche
  3. having over a million dollars
  4. having over a billion dollars
  5. not getting fired several times
  6. owning your own business
  7. living to age 100
  8. living without disease
  9. living without broken bones
  10. living with good hearing & eyesight
  11. living without a handicap
  12. being married for 50 years
  13. having tons of grandchildren
  14. living debt free
  15. having a ton of friends
  16. having power and influence over others
  17. holding a political office
  18. leaving a legacy that people cannot forget or ignore
  19. being faithful to your faith and religion
  20. becoming a recognized celebrity

  • I am living with heart disease
  • I am living with 2 different cancers
  • I am living with lumbar fusion surgery
  • I am living with failing eyes and hearing
  • I am retired, living on social security
  • I have been married twice
  • I have no grandchildren
  • I do have a strong faith
  • I have no friends
  • I am not close to my brother, sister, or daughter
  • I was never financially wealthy
  • I never really excelled at anything
  • I do not have a great second marriage

But...  I consider myself SUCCESSFUL...  in that, I lived my life as I wanted to live my life and I accomplished stuff that many have not accomplished, and I spent my entire working career NEVER KiSSING ASS.

I consider myself SUCCESSFUL because:

  • I am alive
  • I exercise
  • I eat healthily
  • I appreciate nature
  • I love all kinds of animals
  • I have no lofty goals except continuing to continue
  • I have enough money to live my desired lifestyle
  • I am debt free
  • I like to write & maintain blogs
  • I like to think and drill down on topics
  • I am learning about physics, theoretical physics, astronomy, astrology, cosmology, multiple dimensions, and string theory
  • I have no trouble sleeping

I considered myself SUCCESSFUL because:

  • I don't take illegal drugs
  • I don't smoke cigarettes
  • I don't drink alcohol
  • I don't live a depressing life
  • I am not suicidal
  • I don't break the law
  • I obey the speed limits 90% of the time
  • I trust in my faith
  • I am different from most people not better
I guess the biggest success fact is that I have everything I want or need.  I don't wish I had this or that...  of course, I need to lose about 8-10 more pounds...

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