Tuesday, August 2

Bullies Are All Around Us


When I was in the 3rd grade, it was recommended by my teacher to my parents that I repeat that grade since I had been absent for most of the school year with hepatitis.  During my second year in 3rd grade, I noticed that there was this bully beating up on this defenseless, fragile boy and because of this unfair advantage, I strolled over there and commenced beating up on this bully to the point that he never bothered this boy again whether or not I was around.

This defenseless fragile boy and I became friends and remained friends until he died about 10 years ago from colon cancer.  We were friends for over 50 years and while we lost sight of each other for a few years, we came back together and remained close friends until his death.

This is what you must do with a bully...  And, it does not matter if the bully is in the 3rd grade or in charge of a country like Russia or China, the rest of us must stand up to these bullies.

Russia has invaded Ukraine in an unprovoked attack simply because Putin says he has a fundamental right to acquire territory.  Xi Jinping has threatened serious consequences if Pelosi visits Taiwan, even boasting they will shoot down her aircraft.

This is when the rest of us should give the middle finger to these 2 bullies and stand up to them like I stood up to the bully in the 3rd grade, and while there is a big difference between the 3rd grade and a bullying country, you still treat these bullies the same way.

It is the only way they understand and the only way they will listen...  MEET FORCE WITH FORCE...

I doubt very seriously if either Russia or China wants to begin a nuclear war as the survivors of a nuclear war WILL HAVE NOTHING.

Putin and Jinping see Biden as WEAK, especially after the debacle in Afghanistan...  and will Biden may be WEAK, the rest of the USA is not weak and is ready and willing to kick some ass...

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