Thursday, July 14

WTF is going on here?


9% Inflation...  what asshole caused this to happen?

I realize that I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I am also aware that 9% is the highest inflation has been in over 40 years...  and, I am reconsidering just who the hell I am going to vote for in November...  I am an independent so I don't have the kiss the asses of the Democrats or the Republicans when it comes time to cast my vote...  I just have to look at the way things around me are going and then see which party is in power and vote in favor of the opposite party.

That's pretty damn simple if you ask me...

If the country is doing well, I vote for the party in power but if it is doing poorly, like now, then I vote the other party...  that way I can tell them to kiss my ass like they want me to kiss theirs...

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