Thursday, July 14

That is my RIGHT...

US Constitution
Tenth Amendment
Rights Reserved to the States and to the People
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

In my unconstitutionally educated opinion, this amendment addresses the right of a female to have an abortion...  

If some states turn their back on this fundamental right, then the people can vote to remove those legislatures from office or travel to another state where abortions are permissible. 

However, I would suspect that whatever each state allows or disallows, it only pertains to those individuals that were born with female organs at birth.

At the present time, we do not have the capabilities that would allow a transgendered individual to get pregnant, and carry a fetus in their womb for 9 months in order to give birth.

It is a man's right to try and change as much of his body as is scientifically possible so he becomes as much of a woman as possible, but it is still impossible for that trans person to get pregnant...

An adoption is still an option.

Abortion was never the responsibility of our Federal Government as the constitution never once addresses abortion...  therefore and by default it falls into the domain of the states.

Personally, I don't think any state should deny a female the right to have an abortion simply because their religious beliefs are influencing them.

If I want to smoke, that is my right
If I want to become obese, that is my right
If I want to refuse treatment for a medical condition, that is my right
If I want to give up my citizenship, that is my right
If I want to become a criminal, that is my right
If I want to change my sex, that is my right
If I want to become a communist, that is my right
If I want to give up my freedoms, that is my right

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