Sunday, July 17

Sunday Morning Valley Thougts


I enjoy living in the East Tennessee Valley and have been doing so since 1990 (32 years) so one might ascertain that I understand (at least somewhat) what life is like in the Valley...

July in the Valley is hot and muggy and is a time for either staying inside with the airconditioner on or staying outside in a pool of water either in-ground or above ground...  since being in the water is the key...

My pool water temp is 84 degrees which makes lowering myself into the pool is rather easy and relatively comfortable, especially since I am more sensitive to the cold.

We are receiving cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, zucchini, and bell peppers from our garden...  most of which are cooked and eaten as they are harvested while some, but very few, are frozen for later.

Cooking these veges in a frying pan with olive oil, black pepper, and soy sauce is a delicacy and a daily treat.

My comfort zone surrounds my retired life with the knowledge that I have been debt free for over 15 years, but that I have saved enough money the handle this bullshit inflation through which we are currently living.  I don't spend money needless but I have everything I need...  

I AM NOT WEALTHY...  I WOULD CONSIDER MYSELF TO BE LOWER MIDDLE CLASS...  and, want for nothing...  mainly because I planned for my retirement and so I knew what I was getting myself into and made all the necessary preparations to live like I wanted to live...

I live simply and don't spend money foolishly...  It is safe and secure in the Valley...  We buy in bulk whenever we can...  We don't overeat and we exercise daily...  We don't buy anything we don't need...  we save coupons...  we buy when there are discounts...  we vacation in the off season...   we vacation during the week avoiding the high priced weekends...


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