Sunday, July 10

Retired and Offline


I earned my retirement credentials by working in a variety of positions in labor and management over a 45 year period of time..

I earned my retirement because I was an outspoken employee of integrity who would not back down and consequently was laid-off or fired 10 times during my career...

I earned my ability never having to work again at 67 years of age because despite my roller coaster employment, I was still able to save enough money to pay our bills until the age of 95 and my wife is 5 years younger.

I am able to live just as well off not working as I did when I was working...  and, one of those reasons that helped me achieve this goal was the fact that I became debt free 15 years before I retired.

Throughout my career whether I worked in labor or in management, I simply LOVED what I was doing and simply HATED the people for whom I had to work...  even in management, you have to report to someone and those people in my situation were incompetent assholes who thought being an intellectual meant wiping their asses with expensive toilet tissue.

On numerous occasions I wanted to give them glass belly buttons because they had their heads so far up their asses, I did not think they could see properly.

While you may think this hard to believe, the worst leaders and managers I worked for were employed at a Christian University.

I now live in East TN in a 24oo square foot home that sits on an acre of land.  The money I have is in a credit union and not invested in the stock market.  I don't calculate a build up of interest to determine how long my monies will last.  

I just take our social security income and subtract it from our monthly expenses, and whatever I need is removed from savings.  If my total monthly expenses exceed $5,000 then I look for ways to cut back but so far that has not happened even when confronted with the Biden inflation.

My wife and I go out to eat once or twice a week and take a vacation every other month but due to COVID, we only feel confident with two vacations to Myrtle Beach.

We grow our own veges in the summer.  We have a pool, a large deck with gazebo, and a hot tub for our entertainment and relaxation.

We are off cable completely and with fiber WIFI have membership with Hulu and Netflix which provides us all our needs.

Our 3 cats are a nuisance most of the time, but do provide us with comfort throughout the day and don't judge us on anything that we do...  although, they do not like us arguing especially when our voices are raised.

My daughter from a previous marriage lives in China and has chosen not to communicate with me anymore...  her loss...  my second wife's son comes by for a visit every other week, and when our neighbors are outside they are friendly.

My wife and I are free to walk around our community without the fear of any violence and do so often for exercise.

After traveling to Europe a couple of times, Hawaii 3 times, Alaska, 3 times to Vegas, Denver, twice to New Orleans, and taking about 10-12 cruises, there is not that much that we really want to see.

Traveling is fun and we got good at it, but at the same time, it is a hassle...  especially going through customs and trying to navigate foreign airports where few speak English like in Paris.

I will say this about cruises...  On every single cruise, I asked our waiter on the first night if I could have Salmon every night but on that night with Lobster, I wanted both.  All my waiters on all my cruises were able to accommodate my request.

With all our travels, the place that we still like the best is south myrtle beach...  we have found the perfect place to stay and have found the best places to eat, not always the most expensive, and feel the most comfortable going to barefoot landing and the other tourist sites.

Our room at the resort we like is divided into sections.  A bedroom with a door, a bath, a kitchen, a livingroom with balcony that faces the ocean.  We always have breakfast and lunch in our room and go out for dinner.  Our total cost for 7 days including food and transportation ranges between $1,500 to $2,000 which is always less than any other vacation we have ever taken.

Except for our health concerns, our RETIREMENT IS PERFECT...

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