Saturday, July 9

Quallties of Followers


Believe it or not...  those who follow have qualities and attributes as well, not totally unlike being a leader...  just without the responsibilities.

But, before we get to these followers let me say a little something about those who don't want to lead or follow, all they want to do is to be told what to do...

While these may be compliant employees, they are the worst kind of employers to have as they do not want to think, they do not want to protect, they are not loyal, nor do they really care about what they do or for that matter don't do.

These employees will always try to do the very minimum to get by and are not really worth the wages that you are paying them in the long run...  they are short term employers that have to be watched all the time...

However, the employees that want to follow a leader are dramatically different.

They are skilled and capable, they can and do think for themselves and they look for problems to arise so that they can stop them from happening or minimize the impact if they do.

These followers know how to take orders (like a soldier without resentment) and can work by themselves or with a group of people in a team.  They know to contribute to the whole and they understand fully the role they play and are totally willing to accept that role.

These employees are capable of leadership roles but don't want the responsibility and yet, if something were to happen and they were needed, they would step into a leadership role in a heartbeat.

If I were to make a comparison, I would compare followers as those who are members of a Navy SEAL Team.

You can find these followers but you have to look for them and be willing to pay for their talents, abilities, and willingness to make good on their commitments.   

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