Tuesday, July 12

About my Poetry


we are shielded by

the lose fitting clothes

of our failures and yet

we continually change

our dress to the various

seasons of our dreams

circa 1977

Most of my poems are like the one above...  some are much longer...  maybe twice or three times...  maybe more...  and some are shorter especially when I write Haiku...

My poems follow no rhyme scheme which a lot of poets think is necessary in order to write good poetry and almost all of them are iambic pentameter or very close...  as iambic pentameter is how we typically write and talk...  so, it is a natural cadence.

My themes are typically loneliness, anxiety, and depression although many are about the various loves that I have experienced and ultimately lost only to find a new one to replace the one that drifted away.  No loves were refused and none were abandoned...  and mostly just faded away.

I have written birthday poems, anniversary poems, funeral poems, marriage poems, graduation poems, and holiday poems in general...  in that regard, my poems keep me from having to buy a card.

I try not to use "25 cent" words so that few know their meaning as you would find from published poets and I seldom make reference to any mythology or classic literature to show that I am well read.

I try and think like the common man...  the average person who tries to hide their feelings but can be emotionally touched by my words.

There is a lot of sarcasm in the words that I put together as I have a very sarcastic, pessimistic view of life since that is how my life has unfolded and been lived.

I have no ties to my siblings, no ties to my deceased parents, no ties to my daughter, not ties to my one time friends, and have no current friends with whom I chat daily or meet for a cup or coffee or a beer.  That abandonment is reflected in my choice of words to capture my feelings.

I don't pretend to put any feelings on paper that I have not personally felt or am currently feeling and/or experiencing.

My poetry to not appeal to everyone and that is ok.  It is doubtful that very many people are even aware of my poetry blog...  but, I don't feel the financial need to make that happen.

When I get my feelings out, I am once again hollow and susceptible to experiencing new emotions or variations of all my old ones.

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