Tuesday, July 12

A Novice View on Gun Violence

Don't let my caricature fool you, I am as crazy thinking and weird acting as it looks which is exactly why my novice view on gun violence may be important...  especially since I am 74 years old and retired...  however, this might also work against me being out of touch with the younger generation.

What I have discovered during my lifetime is that more violence and crime is committed by the uneducated than by the educated...  that is not to say that educated people do not commit crime because they do...  but they are smart enough to stay away from violence.

Poverty is like a swamp's breeding ground for crime and violence as the poor will try and do what they have to do to take what they need to get ahead...  this typically results in crime - starting with the selling of illegal drugs...  which typically results in the seller of drugs becoming addicted to the drugs they are selling...

So far, crime and violence is caused by:

  • lack of education
  • poverty
  • selling drugs
  • using drugs
Just working on these 4 items will change the cultures of our societies...  but, for some reason politicians tend to verbally address these areas but ignore them...

Interestingly, these are the same 4 areas that I was exposed to when growing up in Alexandria, Virginia during the 1950s and 1960s...  nothing has changed.

Experts believe that gun violence is being perpetrated by teenagers and young adults as a result of:
  1. music lyrics
  2. video games
  3. social media
and while there may be some impact, I question how much of the influence is based solely on these three items alone or a result of poverty, drugs, and being uneducated.

When I was young, my parents were middle class but my mother did not work and was in the house waiting on me when I got home from school.  She always asked about my day and my homework before preparing a snack for me...  when my father arrived home from work, we all sat around the table and had dinner, and he always inquired about my day at school and asked if there was anything he could help me with regarding my homework.  When I was much younger he always read a bedtime story to me before tucking me in and turning out the lights.

When I got married and my wife gave birth to our daughter, both of us were working and oftentimes our daughter was at home alone after being dropped off by the school bus...

Was this the beginning of parents not taking an interest in their child's/children's education?

The second amendment to the US Constitution has been around since 1776 so why has there not been as much gun violence as their is today?

Something in our society has changed...
It is not the guns that have changed...

One of these changes is that it is very easy to acquire a gun and ammunition...  both legally and illegally...
so, a good start would be to NOT MAKE IT EASY...

Another one of these issues I believe, is the sentencing that is being given out by judges to criminals who commit a crime using a gun...  these laws should be not just ENFORCED but STRENGTHENED...  so that a potential criminal will think twice.

Liberal political leaders don't really want to be that tough on crime...   and, until they do there are virtually no incentives to stop criminals from using guns.

Here is a related example:
I work in the technology industry and currently earn $150,000 a year after taxes.  My bonus was so large last year that I purchase one of the top sports cars for cash.  Now, if you must know sports cars by their very design nature, are not meant to drive slow.  In a few days after purchasing the car, I get a speeding ticket for $250.  That amount of money is not a sufficient deterrent to keep me from driving fast tomorrow...   however, if the ticket was $2,500 then I might give the desire to drive fast more careful consideration.

Additional factors for gun violence:
  • both parents working
  • music lyrics
  • social media
  • video games
  • ease of acquiring a gun
  • punishment not an incentive

So, what are the politicians and the public focused on?
  1. Improving Poor Communities
  2. Redirecting Money from Police Depts
  3. Passing more gun laws
  4. Elimimating the second amendment

If I were the one in the driver's seat, I would focus on POVERTY and EDUCATION and PARENTS...

Look at all the money that we are paying our professional athletes so that they can retire at the end of a 10 year career...

Why not use that money to eliminate poverty?

Why not improve our education system by focusing on teaching students HOW TO RETAIN KNOWLEDGE?


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