Once a quarter, our naval ship, the USS RECOVERY, was given a new budget, but unless we spent all the money from our previous budget, then the next quarter's budget would be REDUCED... once you are reduced it is almost impossible to ADD BACK...
Monday, January 18
Civil Disobedience: Healthcare
American Democracy
I have always wondered about Democracies myself especially the IGNORANT PUBLIC (both educated and uneducated) who can be easily persuaded by a dynamic speaker and walk away believing that the lies are truth and the truth are lies. JFK was one of those politicians of the late 1950's early 1060's who saw things differently than most and convinced a nation to see his way and believe in a corrupt government that was hell bent on changing the rest of the world to be just like us Americans... giving up their identities, cultures, and societies to think and act like Americans.... because we were the only GLOBAL TRUTH.
America or the USA is not alone...
There are other continents: South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia
There are other governments: Dictatorships, Communism, Socialism, Monarchs
All of these countries, their citizens, their businesses, their countries COMPETE in a GLOBAL ECONOMY and there is no reason why one country or one government should try and convince the rest of the world that their way is the best.
Now, these other countries and governments have the RIGHT TO CONQUER other countries and governments if they perceive themselves to have that kind of power... just as these other countries have the right FIGHT BACK & RESIST ATTACK... and, if there are countries who are allies then they have the RIGHT to help each other.... and if they are victorious then they can force the acquired country to follow their form of government.
Forcing without acquisition is WRONG... and that is what the continent of NORTH AMERICA is trying to do so that the rest of the world will think and believe what they think and believe without WARS...
To some degree, North America is accomplishing this goal because people want to immigrate to America and have all this freedom and opportunity, but eventually North America will be too saturated with people to offer that much...
WHY/HOW is this happening?
North America is more concerned with its SOCIETY than with its growth economically or militarily and that is a mistake both MONETARILY and GLOBALLY...
The world will turn TOWARDS ASIA....
Socrates Was Against Democracies
There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil ignorance... SOCRATES
Knowledge is defined as: facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.Socrates (c. 469 - 399 B.C.) was a hugely important Greek philosopher from the Classical period (often known as the Socratic period in his honor). Unlike most of the Pre-Socratic philosophers who came before him, who were much more interested in establishing how the world works, Socrates was more concerned with how people should behave, and so was perhaps the first major philosopher of Ethics.
An enigmatic figure known to us only through other people's accounts (principally the dialogues of his student Plato), he is credited as one of the founders of Western Philosophy. He is considered by some as the very antithesis of the Sophists of his day, who claimed to have knowledge which they could transmit to others (often for payment), arguing instead that knowledge should be pursued for its own sake, even if one could never fully possess it.
He made important and lasting contributions in the fields of Ethics, Epistemology and Logic, and particularly in the methodology of philosophy (his Socratic Method or "elenchus"). His views were instrumental in the development of many of the major philosophical movements and schools which came after him, including Platonism (and the Neo-Platonism and Aristotelianism it gave rise to), Cynicism, Stoicism and Hedonism.
Sunday, January 17
Saturday, January 16
What is Life's Meaning?
The human race was put here on earth for a reason...
No one actually knows what that reason is and some believe that there was no reason at all... that we just simply EVOLVED as a result of the BIG BANG that set everything into motion... but, that seems a little over simplified, especially when one considered how complex the human body is and how many mutations it would have taken to get us to the point where we are today.
Something or someone created us and someone or something messed around with our DNA until the desired species was created and natural evolution could take place. This could only have been accomplished by a SUPERIOR INTELLECT.
So, are we an experiment?
BUT AGAIN, even if we are an experiment, what is LIFE'S MEANING... assuming that our existence is real and not a figment of our imagination or some kind of elaborate illusion (more about this concept later).
In short, we could say that Life's Meaning revolves around the concept of why are we here?
- Why were we given birth?
- Why were we given birth to specific parents?
- Why were we given birth in a specific country?
- Why were we given birth in a specific location of that specific country?
- cultural
- ideological
- philosophical
- scientific
- theological
- metaphysical
Friday, January 15
Halfway When Half Through
I dislike cold because the only way to get away from it is by taking a hot shower or by getting into bed with PJ's.... whereas, in the humid months of summer, one can just lower the air and feel comfortable...
Why is this important?
It is not.
But, when one gets to an older age and has not lived in COLDER areas all of one's life, the cold seems to effect/affect the body more than normal as one becomes more sensitive... and, it is this sensitivity that influences everything else that is done as one attempts to avoid this sensitivity. So, perhaps this is some sort of warning to the young as to what they may be experiencing as they get older and to better prepare themselves for it.
One fact of life that is UNAVOIDABLE and that is we all get older and as we get older our bodies change and sometimes that change is UNWELCOMED.
Thursday, January 14
COVID Lingering Around
We have been on 10 Cruises, traveled to Europe, Alaska, Hawaii, Martha's Vineyard, NYC, Chicago, Denver, Myrtle Beach, Hilton Head, Vegas, Seattle, LA, DC, Gulf Coast, and numerous places in Florida with our traveling plans pretty much encompassing every other month for a week or two.
It is nice to finally stay at home and have no place to go.
But, when we do go places, only about 80% of the people are wearing facemasks and of those 80%, I would say about 10% are wearing them inappropriately... this is especially true in places where facemasks are not mandatory.
It shows me that AMERICANS don't really listen to the advice of the doctors or their leaders and don't seem to care if they catch the virus or not. These people are not just young, but middle aged, and older. With this type of behavior, the virus is going to be around for a long time...
Wednesday, January 13
Tuesday, January 12
Preparing For Tomorrow
Today, all I could eat was a liquid diet along with black coffee if so desired. I had one cup of coffee, went to the Hospital for my COVID test and came home and slept for another couple of hours since there may not be much sleep for me tonight.
My cleansing prep started at 3:00 pm with a couple of pills and the "down and dirty" stuff started at 5:00. I should be sitting on the commode in an hour or so for the next couple of hours before I take a second dose to supercharge the process and a third does a midnight.
Two years ago, I did fairly well with this process even though it has changed a little... The ingredients are the same, but it is spread out more... I suppose to make sure one receives a better flushing out. I believe that a colonoscopy is only every 10 years and then every 5 years after a certain age... but, I am now on a 2 year schedule because of my cancer history and because I had several polyps last time.
I really didn't have anything better to do today or tomorrow...
Monday, January 11
Absolute Power
I began watching FOX but would go back and forth to those other networks during key periods of news like the Kavanaugh Hearing, Impeachment Hearings, and I again confirmed that the other networks were simply not reporting the TRUTH.
When Trump lost the election, I stopped watching FOX NEWS because if the American People did not want to know the truth then neither did I. I decided, right or wrong, just to pay attention to my retirement and enjoy what little life I have left...
I did not know our Capital has been stormed nor did I know that Impeachment Hearings for Trump were being considered by the House again, even though there were only days left of his administration. I also heard from this same neighbor that the Senate was now controlled by the Democrats.
ONE PERSON... a man called TRUMP... has forever changed the politics of America... and the way that the rest of the world views AMERICANS..... now that this change has taken place...
The Democrats now have the ABILITY to create two new States creating a Democratic TILT in the Senate that will NEVER be undone. The Democrats also have the ABILIY to increase the size of the SUPREME COURT, so that the Democrats have a clear majority but also leaving the door open for a LIBERAL TILT on the court.
UNREST in America
Even when this latest activity comes under control and the perpetrators are taken to courts, sentenced, and jailed, the part of the USA that voted for TRUMP will still see DOUBLE STANDARDS and will not let this go away.
It is entirely possible that due to DECREASED POLICE FUNDING in certain cities, BLM, ANTIFA, and Trump Supporters will travel to those cities to continue their protests against the government...
CIVIL DISOBEDIANCE is what it is called and it is one of the few tools available to the general public to use against a CORRUPT GOVERNMENT outside of voting...
Thoreau's Civil Disobedience espouses the need to prioritize one's conscience over the dictates of laws. It criticizes American social institutions and policies, most prominently slavery and the Mexican-American War.
Thoreau begins his essay by arguing that government rarely proves itself useful and that it derives its power from the majority because they are the strongest group, not because they hold the most legitimate viewpoint.
Sunday, January 10
Saturday, January 9
in America to Americans or by Americans... President Trump was never given credit for the healthy economy, tax cuts, reduced Federal Regulations, and FULL EMPLOYMENT because everyone said it was because of former President Obama that this was allowed to happen.... and, that Trump had nothing to do with it...
For FOUR YEARS, I personally watched HATRED for President Trump being UNLEASED by the Democrats and the mainstream media outlets and felt like I was living in a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY where the news was CENSORED and the people were being told only what the leaders wanted them to know... for fear of the people not being able to handle the TRUTH.... like in the movie, A FEW GOOD MEN...
Now that Biden has been elected our new President and will start his term of office in the next couple of weeks, my new fear is that for the NEXT FOUR YEARS, everything that is NEGATIVE happening to America either to or from Americans will be BLAMED ON TRUMP as well... with Joe Biden and the Democrats taking no responsibility for anything.
And, if that is the way that they want America to be perceived that is fine... especially since there is not a damn thing that any of us can really do about it.
- I am retired...
- I am a Veteran...
- I live on Social Security...
- I am cared for by Medicare and a Humana Supplement...
- I have managed to save a modest amount of money...
- I am not wealthy...
- I am not middle class...
- I am not poor...
- WHAT I DO NOT DO IS... blame others for my current situation...
- My current life is a direct result of my actions throughout my life so far...
- Whatever I did or did not do, put me in the situation that I am in...
a rhetorical question...
Friday, January 8
Globally Perceived American Stereotypes
- Generous
- Optimistic
- Hardworking
- Obsession with guns
- Materialistic
- Over Consumption
- Extreme Capitalism
- Lack of cultural awareness
- Racists (on both sides)
- Environmentally Ignorant
- Arrogant
- Nationalistic
- Military Zeal
- Workaholic Culture
Breaking Down Capitalism
Thursday, January 7
Another Perspective
At the end of March and after having stopped for a year, I agreed to teach a College Class and the requirement is to wear a face mask and stay 6 feet away from students... Interestingly, I have a couple of team assignments which I am curious to see how they play out. The class is one that I have taught several times before, but I have changed things around a little, and added a couple of exercises to take the place of other exercises.
However, I am not sure if my wife and I will go on vacation this summer or any other summer even with a COVID VACCINE in hand as there are just still too many ways that disease and viruses can be spread by an ignorant public who think they know best and can do what they want because they are living in a free country.
Those expressions of freedoms will be used to curtail their freedoms... and then what will they do?
Wednesday, January 6
12 Month Weather Forecast
- 3 months the temps will be below 60 degrees -- 2 months the temps will be below 50 degrees but by no more than 1-2 degrees
- 3 months the temps will be in the 60 degrees
- 2 months the temps will be in the 70 degrees
- 4 months the temps will be in the 80 degrees of which 2 months will be high 80's