Showing posts with label Control of the People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Control of the People. Show all posts

Monday, January 11

Absolute Power

 I stopped watching CNN, CBS, MSNBC, and ABC because I discovered that they were not posting ALL THE NEWS but FOX NEWS was reporting MOST ALL OF THE NEWS.  As an American, a Veteran, and a College Graduate, media censorship is abhorrent to me in all variations...   I should have the right to hear the news in FULL and then decide what it means to me.   Anything less, is not FREEDOM OF THE PRESS.

I began watching FOX but would go back and forth to those other networks during key periods of news like the Kavanaugh Hearing, Impeachment Hearings, and I again confirmed that the other networks were simply not reporting the TRUTH.

When Trump lost the election, I stopped watching FOX NEWS because if the American People did not want to know the truth then neither did I.  I decided, right or wrong, just to pay attention to my retirement and enjoy what little life I have left...

I did not know our Capital has been stormed nor did I know that Impeachment Hearings for Trump were being considered by the House again, even though there were only days left of his administration.  I also heard from this same neighbor that the Senate was now controlled by the Democrats.

ONE PERSON...   a man called TRUMP...   has forever changed the politics of America...  and the way that the rest of the world views AMERICANS.....  now that this change has taken place...

The Democrats now have the ABILITY to create two new States creating a Democratic TILT in the Senate that will NEVER be undone.  The Democrats also have the ABILIY to increase the size of the SUPREME COURT, so that the Democrats have a clear majority but also leaving the door open for a LIBERAL TILT on the court.

This is POWER.

With the House and the Senate under the control of the DEMOCRATS, the following shifts will take place QUICKLY...
FIRST --  Trump's tax cuts will be abolished
SECOND  --  Medicare for All will be approved
THIRD  --  Open Borders will be approved...  Trump's wall will be torn down
FOURTH  --  Policies will be put into place ending the gasoline engine
FIFTH  --  Trade deals with China will be revised giving CHINA the advantage over trade
SIXTH  --  A new deal will be negotiated with IRAN and all sanctions ended

Everything Trump DID will be UNDONE

This will take place even though what Trump did might have been in the best interest of the USA...  These actions will set a very dangerous precedent...   that only the historians will want to talk about.