Showing posts with label GREED. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GREED. Show all posts

Friday, November 26

Day After Thanksgiving Concerns

Many of us go shopping the day after Thanksgiving with all the sales and with all the other people who want to take advantage of the sales as well, or many of us decide to make soup with all the leftovers like my Dad used to do and I now do because of his influence I suppose.

But, once Thanksgiving is over, most of us fail to continue to be as  thankful as we were the day before because we have returned to being so busy living life that we do not have time to think about LIFE.

What does it mean to THINK ABOUT LIFE?

  • are we talking about the purpose of life?
  • are we talking about the meaning of life?
  • are we talking about why we were given life?
  • are we talking about respecting life?
  • are we talking about being grateful for life?
Most of us, but not all of us, have been raised by our parents to want MORE out of life and while MORE can refer to a variety of things, the underlying concept here is GREED...  and, while GREED is necessary for economic growth and prosperity, GREED can be a rabid dog that bites us in the ass when we are least expecting it....  that is to say that we become more concerned with achieving GREED than we are in appreciating the GREED that we have already accumulated.

Our purpose in life is to accumulate more and more and pretend to enjoy what we have, knowing that inside we are never really satisfied with what we have because we constantly want MORE...  and we are internally stressed because we are fearful that we may one day loose what we have acquired.

Is this really living life?

FORTUNATELY, only 1% of the population live like this...  even though the remaining 99% strive to be like the 1% even though they WILL NEVER get there...  consequently, they are mentally and financially forced to learn to enjoy what they have...  IRONY?

Saturday, March 27

America's Greatest FLAW

From the moment that I understood what my parents were trying to tell me even though I did very little about it, I found it hard to believe that the most important aspect of one's life was the quest for money or GREED.  And, those who were incredibly more greedy than others, were praised because they were so financially successful.

All my classes in high school were specifically designed not for me to go out and get a job after graduation but to matriculate to a college or university because the pursuit of education would, in fact, allow me to earn more money during my career.  GREED.

The advice of my mentors during the years I was beginning my career was to do those things that would promote me through the ranks with the sole purpose of eventually getting to the top of the organization so that I could have more POWER and MONEY or GREED.

Immigrants come to the United States so that they can earn more money...   GREED

As more and more Americans pursue GREED, it is obvious that 80% of Americans (or more) will be left behind and never acquire the GREED for which they have pursued all of their lives.  

So...  how does that work actually?
Well, if you have superior athletic skills then you can become a PROFESSIONAL ATHLETE in the areas of"
  • football
  • baseball
  • basketball
  • tennis
  • gold
  • soccer

if you have artistic skills, you can become a:L
  • professional musician
  • professional singer
  • professional artist
  • actor or actress

If you do not have the SPECIAL SKILLS and most Americans do not have those SPECIAL SKILLS then your pursuit of GREED goes nowhere...  And, as you try harder and harder to pursue GREED, all it does is allow the WEATHY TO GET WEALTHIER...

Racism is not going to change this
BLM is not going to change this
White Privilege is not going to change this
White Supremacists are not going to change this
Black reparations is not going to change this
Socialism is not going to change this
Censoring conservatives is not going to change this

Wednesday, February 3

College Degree = Success = Happiness

Many well educated and well experienced people belief beyond a shadow of a doubt that having a college degree in the KEY to having a successful career and happy life.  In fact, some believe that not just a BA/BS degree is required to achieve success and happiness but that one should seek out a Masters Degree as well.  HOWEVER, I would submit to you that MONEY and GREED are at the foundation of success and happiness not necessarily one's education.

In addition to one's education, one must be willing (more often than not) to violate their values, integrity, honor, and sometimes morals in order to achieve success and happiness...  Yet, it is true that education opens the door...  but, there is much more to it than that.

Successful people (not necessarily happy ones) put their FAMILIES SECOND behind their EMPLOYMENT and the company that employees them.  Successful people (not necessarily happy ones) are willing to work 60-80 hours a week, including nights and weekends...   and, in many cases are sent out-of-town on business trips at the drop of a hat.

Their family life is non-existent...  Their vacations are oftentimes spent conducting business as well...  and, many people enjoy combining business with pleasure but not all families with children are able to cope with this lifestyle.

My father's job for instance, took him away from the family for 9 months out of 12 and he allowed this to happen for about 10 years until he could find himself in a position where options were being presented to him.  Those options were being presented ONLY BECAUSE HE WAS SUCCESSFUL at accomplishing a variety of goals at which many others before him had failed.

there is a new criteria to add to education and experience and that is SUCCESSFULLY ACCOMPLISHING GOALS AND OBJECTIVES...  If you don't there is no promotion and one could face termination of employment.

LIVING UNDER THESE CONDITIONS is not a good methodology by which one manages STRESS.

Additionally, many people are awarded PhD's and decide to teach for a living and even with that amount of education, teachers never become WEALTHY...  They are financially well off, but never WEALTHY...   and, if success and happiness is based upon WEALTH, then these people are never considered to be successful or happy.

I believe after working in a career for 45 years, I can say that the happiest I have ever been is when I had eliminated my stress...  and, once stress was eliminated, I also felt like I was finally successful in life.  Success and Happiness was NOT BASED UPON EDUCATION OR MONEY, but on living a life of contentment and wanting for nothing.

WANTING FOR NOTHING goes against the concept of GREED.  Our entire economic system is predicated upon GREED.  If and when Americans stop wanting more, life as we know it will become meaningless...  and yet, that is exactly what one needs to achieve in order to be successful and happy.  Many wealthy people do not considered themselves successful because there is more money to be earned...  and, while these wealthy people have all sorts of toys, the fact that they want/needs more is an indication that they are NOT HAPPY.

Friday, January 8

Globally Perceived American Stereotypes

Stereotypes of American people (here meaning citizens of the United States) can today be found in virtually all cultures.  They often manifest in America's own television and in the media's portrayal of the United States as seen in other countries, but can also be spread by literature, art, and public opinion.  Not all of the listed stereotypes are equally popular, nor are they all restricted towards Americans; and although most can be considered negative, a few actually assign neutral or even positive or admiring qualities to the stereotypical US citizen. Many of the ethnic stereotypes collide with otherwise unrelated political anti-Americanism.  SOURCE:  Wikipedia

  • Generous
  • Optimistic
  • Hardworking

  1. Obsession with guns
  2. Materialistic
  3. Over Consumption
  4. Extreme Capitalism
  5. Lack of cultural awareness
  6. Racists (on both sides)
  7. Environmentally Ignorant
  8. Arrogant
  9. Nationalistic
  10. Military Zeal
  11. Workaholic Culture

COMMENT:  If someone were to ask me whether or not I felt Americans were concerned as to how they were being perceived by the rest of the world...   I would have to reply by saying "I believe that 98% of all AMERICANS don't really give a shit what the rest of the world thinks of them...  and that Americans generally perceive the rest of the world thinks what they do because they are JEALOUS and ENVIOUS..."

As a retired American Worker (45 years) who is also a Vietnam Veteran and who is educated with a BA and an MBA and who spent most of his career in and around EDUCATION both public and private, I would have to say that I WHOLEHEARTEDLY AGREE with the world's opinion of Americans...  and, while it saddens me to see this happening, it is the direct result of our inability or lack of desire to control our own GREED.

When I turned 40 years of age, I realized how evil the control of greed was on people and spent the rest of my career and lifetime so far making sure that I was not infected with the disease of GREED.

I don't think that I have missed too much of anything actually...  even being careful spending and buying only that which one needs.

COVID has helped us reduce our greed but I fear that once we have that under control, greed will skyrocket as people will again want what they perceive they have missed out on...

Wednesday, December 30

The Rest of the World Baby...

Millions are starving in South America

Millions are starving in Africa

Millions are starving in China

Millions are starving in Asia

How many people in America really care about that?

Americans care about only one thing...   GREED...

It may seem hard to believe at times but all you have to do is look around your little corner of the world (here in the US of A) wherever that might be and simply take in and appreciate all that you see.

How many obese people do you know that have no desire to quit eating as much as they do?

How many people do you know that refuse to exercise?

How many of you co-workers only work for that raise or bonus or both and could care less about anything else they are doing for the company?

How many of you went to college not for the education but to get more money during your lifetime?

How many of you are planning on buying a bigger house?

How many vehicles do you own?

How often do you drink alcohol and how much is consumed?

How often do you smoke a joint or snort a line?

How many of you are DEBT FREE?

In a way...   Americans are pathetic in how they try to live their lives and then on Sundays attend church and say otherwise...  Our entire ECONOMIC SYSTEM is based upon GREED and it is ONE GIANT PYRAMID SCHEME with the wealthy sitting on the top of the pyramid trying to convince us to buy more...  and when the wealthy are tired of poking the bear, they try to open markets in other countries and convince them that they need more...


BUT...  more importantly...


Saturday, November 21

Instinct and Desire

Earth in the
"Star Trek" universe is an egalitarian, utopian planet that has long ago shrugged off the habit of war. People in Star Trek's vision of the 23rd century use their time and talents to explore the universe, create art and probe the mysteries of science. While some have dismissed this aspect of the show as its most fanciful element, psychologists and political scientists say it might not be so unrealistic.

"I do think humans might someday reach more peaceful coexistence if we don't destroy the planet first, though I doubt it will be utopia,"
said Dennis Fox, emeritus professor of legal studies and psychology at the University of Illinois at Springfield. "If utopia does come, it won't be because human nature changes, or because some governmental authority or alien race forces it upon us, but because we manage to create new social structures more conducive to satisfying human needs and values."  SOURCE:

As far as I am concerned, any kind of UTOPIAN SOCIETY in our near future will happen only when we overcome the following:
  • Instinct
  • Desire
Let me explain...  if we look at the SUM TOTAL OF HISTORY we can easily conclude that our basic instinct is SURVIVAL of the species.  In order to survive we must have conflicts with winners and losers with the understanding that those loser no matter how subordinated they become will one day revolt again...  and, this struggle will continue over and over again until we are NO LONGER worried about our SURVIVAL.

The other issue that prevents a UTOPIAN SOCIETY from coming into existence, is our basic desire of GREED.  Greed has been around for as long as I can remember, for as long as my father could have remembered, for a long as my grandfather could have remembered as well, and for as long as their ancestors could have remembered when they were alive and long before them there was greed in many forms but manly revolving around POSSESSIONS of land, women, animals, and control which basically boils down to WEALTH AND CONTROL both of which underscore the concept of POWER.

If we ever overcome our basic instinctive need to SURVIVE is it highly unlikely that we will ever overcome our desire for GREED.

Friday, November 20

Bad People Among Us


America has plenty of bad people and some to spare if they ever wanted to relocate to other countries...  I remember the Watergate Hearings and Senator Sam Ervin from North Carolina who made a statement that few remember I suspect that...  "everyone is a little bit oily."

At my age and physical conditioning, I am suspicious of everyone and am glad that my life experiences have proven that to be a good direction to take.


These are the single most important motivational foundation of most all Americans regardless of their positions, rank, wealth, or political affiliations...  it is a mental disorder that afflicts everyone and is inherent in everyone at the moment of their birth, manifesting itself in various stages as we get older and older...  until there is no need to possess it further as it has possessed you...

Those Who Are Afflicted:
  1. Parents
  2. Clergy
  3. Bosses
  4. Supervisors
  5. Siblings
  6. Politicians
  7. Spouses
  8. Military
  9. Law Enforcement
  10. Coaches
  11. Lawyers
  12. Physicians
  13. Athletes
  14. Actors
  15. Musicians
  16. Thieves
  17. Criminals
  18. Chefs
  19. Writers
  20. Artists
No one escapes the clutches of these 3 words...  its like the holy trinity of existence...  especially here in America where, for a while, our Democracy and Freedoms flourish...  and, as long as we are in possession of our Democracy and Freedoms, so too will we be possessed by:


Thursday, October 1

GREED: America's Downfall...

In the summer of 1967, I was working as a laborer for a Road Construction Company called Regal Construction up Upper Marlboro, MD that was building a new stretch of Interstate Highway in that area. and had no desire to know if the company was building other highways or not because I was ATTENDING COLLEGE so that I would not have to work as a laborer at $2 per hour.

My reason for attending COLLEGE was personal and selfish:  I wanted a better job and more money...

Little did I know that this was the foundation of our economic free market enterprise system... to continue to make as much money as one can arrange over a lifetime of work and use that money to buy bigger and better THINGS over one's lifetime of work...

As one gets older and wiser and accumulates more wealth, one learns to shelter that money away from taxes even though one knows that taxes are used to provide services to those who are not wealthy and support our government's growth.

In addition to providing for the national defense and negotiating treaties and deals with our countries, our government provides PUBLIC;
  • education
  • transportation
  • highways
  • parks and recreation
  • welfare
  • medicare
  • housing
  • unemployment
  • social security
Each one of these governmental services is a FORM OF SOCIALISM and in order to increase the payouts to any of these services, the government MUST increase its base of TAXES or borrow money from FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS...

Currently, ONE THIRD of our NATIONAL DEBT is owned by CHINA.

As the wealthy become more wealthy, they shelter away from taxes more and more of their money knowing that the government needs those taxes to pay for increases in those services...  so, the tax burden always falls on those who cannot shelter their taxes like the WEALTHY.

While this is not FAIR or EQUITABLE, it is the AMERICAN WAY which is protected by the AMERICAN LAWS...

Illegal immigration consumes more and more of those services (as well as the low paying jobs) as their numbers increase to the detriment of the American People who also need those services and jobs.

Some of our DEMOCRATIC PARTY citizens want to provide FREE COLLEGE EDUCATION to everyone including ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS which will, over time, INCREASE GREED EXPONENTIALLY and our Businesses and Industries who are also facing increases in taxes and fewer profits to pay for new product research, have NO REASON to provide employment to these EDUCATED AMERICANS.

Our Government CANNOT FORCE business and industry to HIRE WORKERS unless our government OWNS these businesses and industries which under our current governmental law is not possible or permissible.

THEREFORE and in order to increase the services to Americans, our Government will need to ACQUIRE all of America's Businesses and Industries in order to provide employment to all the college educated citizens so that they can enjoy greater income and enjoy the pleasures of GREED by buying more and more.

AND...  it is these actions...  that will cause America's Downfall...  as our free market enterprise system begins to bite itself in the ass...