Friday, January 15

Halfway When Half Through

Today is the 15th of January which means that the month will be half over once half the day is passed because there are 31 days in the month.  While this is probably not important to anyone but me, it represents only 2 months more of cold weather as opposed to 3 months when winter started.  These next two months usually go by quickly...   and, I am not sure why but once January is over, the winter seems to just fly by.

I dislike cold because the only way to get away from it is by taking a hot shower or by getting into bed with PJ's....  whereas, in the humid months of summer, one can just lower the air and feel comfortable...  

Why is this important?

It is not.

But, when one gets to an older age and has not lived in COLDER areas all of one's life, the cold seems to effect/affect the body more than normal as one becomes more sensitive...  and, it is this sensitivity that influences everything else that is done as one attempts to avoid this sensitivity.  So, perhaps this is some sort of warning to the young as to what they may be experiencing as they get older and to better prepare themselves for it.

One fact of life that is UNAVOIDABLE and that is we all get older and as we get older our bodies change and sometimes that change is UNWELCOMED.

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