Saturday, January 16

What is Life's Meaning?

This is not an easy question to answer...   and, many people don't really give a shit about life's meaning as long as they are allowed to simply live their life, exercise free will, and accomplish their goals if in fact they have any goals; but, for me, I see the meaning of life as something a little bit deeper than just the superficial idea of living, accomplishing whatever, marrying and possibly having children, and dying.

The human race was put here on earth for a reason...

No one actually knows what that reason is and some believe that there was no reason at all...  that we just simply EVOLVED as a result of the BIG BANG that set everything into motion...  but, that seems a little over simplified, especially when one considered how complex the human body is and how many mutations it would have taken to get us to the point where we are today.

Something or someone created us and someone or something messed around with our DNA until the desired species was created and natural evolution could take place.  This could only have been accomplished by a SUPERIOR INTELLECT.

So, are we an experiment?

BUT AGAIN, even if we are an experiment, what is LIFE'S MEANING...  assuming that our existence is real and not a figment of our imagination or some kind of elaborate illusion (more about this concept later).

In short, we could say that Life's Meaning revolves around the concept of why are we here?

  • Why were we given birth?
  • Why were we given birth to specific parents?
  • Why were we given birth in a specific country?
  • Why were we given birth in a specific location of that specific country?
There is a randomness to our birth...   a chaos of sorts that is somewhat systematic and controlled...  just like an experiment...  and yet, the randomness is always unpredictable as it unfolds.

And, in all of this randomness and evolution of the body, we were only given 80-100 years to live, rather than 800 to 1000 years or 8,000 to 10,000 or more...

It does seem a little odd that it is only 80-100 years since the universe is millions of centuries old, perhaps billions of centuries or more.

Thinking about it from this perspective it seem more and more like an experiment.

SO...  perhaps, the meaning of life is simply to find purpose...
there are several different interpretations of purpose, like:
  • cultural
  • ideological
  • philosophical
  • scientific
  • theological
  • metaphysical

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