Showing posts with label Another Perspective. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Another Perspective. Show all posts

Thursday, January 7

Another Perspective

I have been told by my Oncologist to get the COVID VACCINE since it is a dead virus that they have used in its creation.  My NP at my Oncologist's office has already gotten the vaccine and says she is still going to wear a face mask and limit her time in public anyway as a new norm....  and, I suppose that my wife and I will also do the same or something similar but I doubt that we ever return to a Cruise Ship.

At the end of March and after having stopped for a year, I agreed to teach a College Class and the requirement is to wear a face mask and stay 6 feet away from students...   Interestingly, I have a couple of team assignments which I am curious to see how they play out.  The class is one that I have taught several times before, but I have changed things around a little, and added a couple of exercises to take the place of other exercises.

However, I am not sure if my wife and I will go on vacation this summer or any other summer even with a COVID VACCINE in hand as there are just still too many ways that disease and viruses can be spread by an ignorant public who think they know best and can do what they want because they are living in a free country.

Those expressions of freedoms will be used to curtail their freedoms... and then what will they do?