Showing posts with label Marxism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marxism. Show all posts

Thursday, June 10

The WOKE Left

 I joined the us military so that I could protect the freedoms of the united states so that the woke mob could operate freely and with prejudice or discrimination...

And, I would do it again if asked or if needed...  because I believe in freedom that much...
In other words:
  • If the US wants to become Socialistic...  that's fine
  • If the US wants to become Marxist...  that's fine
  • If the US wants to destroy competition...  that's fine
  • If the US wants make the wealthy pay...  that's fine

What freedom means is that we have the freedom to become whatever it is that we want to become as long as a majority of the people in this country feel that way...  and, that is also the one FLAW associated with any DEMOCRACY and that is the fact that a DEMOCRACY can VOTE itself out of being a DEMOCRACY any time it wants to...

The other issues here are, at least for me, I am 73 years old, and will probably only live another 20 years or so.  I am not going to have anymore children nor will I have any grandchildren...  so whatever the WOKE mob wants to do, will not impact me or my family.

And, I am too old to give a shit about other families or the children of other family or their children...

My only real concern and I actually have most of that financially covered is INFLATION...

All I really have to worry about financially, economically, educationally, philosophically, or militarily is my wife and I...  SO...  if our government turns socialistic, all that means to me is that they will take more money away from the wealthy and redistribute it to the poor or people like me...  

My healthcare services may suffer a little because everyone's healthcare is going to be free so the ERs in the hospitals are going to be SLAMMED all the time and no doubt people will die in the hallways while they wait for attention.