Thursday, December 7

Illegal Drugs Are Winning

What do you think about illegal drugs?

Are you in favor of them?

Are you against them?

Do you think the government has the right to prohibit us from taking illegal drugs by making it a crime?

Think about this...

There are several STATES that have made smoking marijuana legal and yet according to the Federal Government, it is still a crime...  Yet, no arrests are made in those states by the Feds.

This type of contradiction by the Federal Government does not put the Federal Government in a positive light.  Either it is legal or it is not legal...

Personally, I think people should be allowed to take whatever drug trips their triggers...  unfortunately, these drug addicts or drug experimenters don't have the money to pay for their drugs so they commit crimes.

We are allowed to kill ourselves by drinking too much alcohol and by eating too much food, but we cannot kill ourselves with illegal drugs...  does not make much sense to me.

Another issue related to these illegal drugs is law enforcement.  I don't think law enforcement really wants to stop the flow of illegal drugs in the USA or its usage because if they did, they would have to layoff a TON OF WORKERS...  and, that would hurt the economy.

Consequently, the use of illegal drugs is tolerated...

Why do I think this way?

Because in 1966, this government was saying the same thing about how harmful illegal drugs were and that they were going to crack down and stop it.

That was over 50 years ago and if anything illegal drugs has gotten worse not better....  GO FIGURE?

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