Tuesday, December 5

The Wealthy

 Ask yourself...

  • Are you wealthy?
  • Do you know any wealthy people?
  • Do you socialize with the wealthy?
  • Do you want to be like the wealthy?

Only 5% of the population are wealthy and only 2% of population are really wealthy and only 1% of the population are super wealthy.

The odds are you will never be in that group if you ain't there already.

Is there something wrong with you if you are not wealthy?
Not really...  but, the wealthy people think there is something wrong with you and look down their noses at you...  tolerating you when they absolutely have to...  most of the time, ignoring your existence altogether.

  • For the wealthy, they think or perceive it is a badge of honor to live in a 15,000 square foot home.
  • They think it is normal to own a $100,000 vehicle.
  • They think it is AMERICAN to hide their money in off shore bank accounts to avoid taxes.
  • They see themselves as special and elite for owning multiple homes and spending money on items they will hardly use.
  • They boast about their success not through their comments but through their purchases.
  • They have no empathy for anyone who is not them.

The wealthy are really no different...
  1. they have to eat
  2. they have to sleep
  3. they have to defecate
  4. they have to get sick
  5. they have to die

The wealthy are a necessary evil for our society just like mothers-in-laws...  leaving behind their money, buildings with their names on them, and other legacies that are soon forgotten by the new generation who will ignore they even existed...

  • The wealthy don't fight wars
  • The wealthy pay others to work
  • The wealthy use lawyers to fight their battles
  • The wealthy use proxies when it is time to vote
  • The wealthy pay very little in taxes
  • The wealthy give nothing back to society but their arrogance
  • The wealthy only give to charity because they need a tax deduction


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