Wednesday, December 13

Screwed Up Values

 You have to ask yourself, what would the USA be like if all the wealthy people did not shelter their money in offshore bank accounts to avoid paying USA taxes.

  • Would we have the national debt as high as it is?
  • Would we be able to improve our infrastructure?
  • Would we able to offer more social programs?
  • Would we have a stronger military?
  • Would we have better schools?

Because the wealthy have sheltered their money, the tax burden falls on the middle class...  and oddly enough, it is the middle class that provided the work for the wealthy to become wealthy.

You'd think some of the middle class would stand up and complain about that...

  • We want to defund the police because there are a few police officers  that are racists.
  • We want to change history because we don't like the fact that the USA was involved in slavery.
  • We claim to have a society of white supremacists because there are more whites than blacks.
  • We want the Federal government to take care of us instead of taking care of ourselves.
  • We think that illegal immigration will solve all our problems by diluting our quality of life.
  • We think the consumption of illegal drugs will help us find happiness.
  • We think that crime and violence in our cities is caused by lack of proper education.
  • We think the other side is EVIL because they do not agree with us.

The United States of America is the greatest country in the world which is the reason why the rest of the world HATES US...

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